Chapter 11

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Serena's POV:-
"Ash!.. you shouldn't just walk away from your family members, like that!" I scolded him for his rude actions. He ignored me, and continued to drag me towards our room.

 He ignored me, and continued to drag me towards our room

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"Ash!.." I resisted by loosing my hand from his. "Why are you ignoring me?.. huh! You also ignore everyone like that! And, You should atleast greet family members or guests, when you come across them" I said aggressively.

"You walked through, the people who were in the drawing room, too. What if, they take it as a insult!" I asked with concern. "They won't mind that!" Ash said with his usual cold tone.

"And.. How exactly, you know that?" I asked Ash. "Ash!..h!.. h!" we both suddenly heard some feminine voice calling to Ash. I looked at his back to find a girl with long blonde hair. But, Ash didn't turned to see her a bit.

 But, Ash didn't turned to see her a bit

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She came up to us and pushed me, aside!. "How are you? I have been wondering, How were you doing? I'm glad to see, you're doing well!" She exclaimed in excitement. But, her excitement decreased with her every word.

Because, As soon as, she came close enough. Ash turned away from her and started to walk away. Doesn't, he responds to anyone. "Good to see you, again!" Ash responded to her while, still walking away from both of us!.

With that, Ash went inside his room, again!. So, I turned my attention to is blond girl. "Hey! I'm Serena Ketchum, it's nice to meet you!" I said. As I extended my hand for an handshake.

She looked at me, with surprising look!. "Who are you?" She asked me, so bluntly!. Heh! What? But, I just introduced myself now. I took my extended hand back in, irritation.

I don't know, who she is or who she might be? Even if, She irritates me. I shouldn't lose my composure. She might have been a relative of Ash. I should greet her properly.

"Hey! I'm Serena Ketchum,-" I was cut off by blond girl. "Did you said! Ketchum!" She asked me. This was very much far from my limit. But, I shouldn't get mad at her.

"Yeah! I'm *How should I say his name, should I just say as Ash Ketchum* I'm Ash Ketchum's wife" I said keeping my composure. Hearing that, doesn't look like, the blond girl is happy!.

"So! It's true then!" She asked me with sad tone. But, I don't have a glue, what she is talking about? Every second with this girl is getting more and more irritating!. "What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Huh! It's I-" she was about to say something. But, We both heard mom in law's voice, calling for her!. "Hey! Lillie!" Mom rushed to us. "So! You got back. Is your journey comfortable! Why are both talking standing here!" Mom asked us.

Soon, mom in law, dragged us to drawing room's sofa. But, the blond girl is not looking very happy seeing mom. I began to wonder, why? "Ok! Then, since; you both are talking. I assume, you both introduced yourselfs" mom asked us.

"No!" She and me said at the same time. "Huh!." Mom let out a confusing, sign!. "I'll explain!" She took the ruins for me. "Actually! Delia aunt, she said; she is Ash's wife! But, you came, before, I can introduce myself" she said in gloomy look.

"Ohh!.. I'll tell, Serena dear, about you! Don't worry!" Mom said and turned to me. "No! I-" She was saying something. But, stopped it after mom started to speak.

"Serena dear! This is Lillie. You know! Lusamine's little daughter". Mom explained to me. "Ohh!.. it's nice to meet you!" I greeted Lillie, once more. Mom also introduced me to aunt Lusamine's husband and son too.

"It's nice to meet you!" I greeted two both of them. "Us too!" Uncle Mohn, who is aunt Lusamine's husband, greeted me. But, the other one, Gladion, who is aunt Lusamine's son, He just ignored me.

Seems like, Aunt Lusamine, Who is also present there. Also, noticed her son's behaviour towards me. "Gladion! You shouldn't ignore someone for the reasons of the past" aunt Lusamine said.

'Reasons of the past', I wonder. What it may be? And, How it connects to me? "Ok! Mom!.. I'm Gladion!" He said with ignorant voice. That's not the introduction, it's just his name. After that, we talked for a few moments.

After, some talk, we were done talking. So, I began to go upstairs for our room. As soon as, I went upstairs. I saw, Lillie was standing at mine and Ash's room's door. What is she doing here?

She quickly noticed me. I went near her, for asking her. "What are doing here?" I asked Lillie. "Serena! I wanted to ask you something!" She replied. I began to wonder, what can it be?

"If you wanted to know something about me. Then, I don't think, anything is interesting about me." I replied with a disappointing tone. "Still, I have one question for you!" She insisted.

"O-Okay! If.. you.. wanted to.. then, what do you want to ask?." I asked not sure, I can give a satisfying answer to her. "Not here!.. let's go somewhere and talk!" Lillie said.

Then, signed me to follow her to a certain room. It's was looking like a girl's room. And, it has a lot of paintings. It's has some certificates as well as. Some of younger and teen versions of Lillie's and her family photos.

Yeah! There is no doubt about this. It's definitely, Lillie's room. But, I still can't figure out. What does she wants to ask me? And, why does it have to be here?

"Tell me! Why did you married Ash?" She asked me with cold tone.

"Tell me! Why did you married Ash?" She asked me with cold tone

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"Are you Okay! Little girl. You don't any serious hit, are you!". A inspector was helping my younger self you get up. After, I opened my eyes. A distant memory, flashed before my eyes.

Author's Note:- Hope you all enjoy reading it. Hoping for all of your support as usual.

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