chapter 24: Repeat and repeat

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For days and days, the same series of events repeated and repeated. The only thing that occasionally changed throughout this time was how much I could move willingly, which got better. And meeting Lesser Lord Kusanali, she would appear often and carefully. She would interact, give me news, and tell me more of what what was going on outside.

It was only when I felt tired endlessly, and could barely even speak to Lesser Lord Kusanali that concern grew.

Throughout the days, I felt more and more distance from hope that this dream would end. But it's Kusanali's plan, so I went with it.

When I had finally felt my eyes rest, flutter, and eventually close to sleep, dread filled me for no reason. It was like my mind felt the need for reminding me that things weren't perfect..

"Hello, Y/n. It's been a while." Raiden Ei spoke. Even if I hated her guts, her voice seemed.. regretful? Regret filled? Upset? Or at least soft. The surroundings were quiet, and I stood on a floating platform; a fimilar place. "This is your 'Plane of Euthymia', right?" I asked, the color of the 'sky' was a purple/dirty pink hue. "Yes," she mumbled, but I couldn't see her.

"And you are talking to me.. why?"

This made me laugh, a sarcastic chuckle. "You have other kids to build relationships with. Why not them? They need it more than me, and I hope to have nothing to do with you." I felt her suddenly walk down towards me, assuming she was float-sitting (idk what to call it). The mere feel of her around me made my mind boil. A few minutes, or hours it felt like, she spoke up. I didn't turn to face her, nor felt like I wanted to. I could already tell that her lip shook before spilling her words.

"And I.. am sorry." My eyes widened at such a though. THE Ei? The Raiden Ei, apologizing? "Do you know what for?" I questioned, snapping at her with a swift response.

I could feel, even without looking at her, her shifting from foot to foot merely feet away from me. "I believe so."

"Then tell me. If you want to apologize, state what you are apologizing for. It's common sense." She exhaled and took small steps forward before almost standing by my side. "I am sorry for my behavior as your creator. Is that what you wish to hear?" Asked Ei, placing her hand on her chest. I moved my head a tiny bit to see her out the corner of my eye.

Looking at her made me shake a tiny bit, from all the trauma I endured to so suddenly being thrown in a dream world. "Better, but I was expecting something a bit more detailed." Ei's simple apology had my ego rocketing, even though just replying to her took lots of balls.


"Ah.. I know what to say." She grinned a little, it was small, and looked heartfelt. No, Y/n, you can't subject yourself to her tricks.. but it would be nice to endulge a little. Hell, what if this was just a dream? More like a nightmare, but sure as shit meant that I could do what ever I felt like. "Y/n, I realized a small bit ago, after an encounter with someone very important, how my goal may have affected my creations, and my people. The urge for eternity still plays a small role in my soul, but I am sorry for the way I may have acted, or reacted." She finished.

Upon finishing, she walked closer to me, not even two feet away. She placed herself almost infront of me. Her eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes relaxed at the same time; she was showing me trust. I sighed, and looked her dead in the eyes. While my legs shook a little, I stared at her. "I will never forgive you. I will never forget what you did, what you put me and my brother through, and I will absolutely never forget the pain you made me endure.. but.." there was the 'but' everyone was waiting for. After my words (except for the 'but' part) she put her arm straight by her sides, and didn't break eye contact.

I could tell she was awaiting a proper answer. "If you swear, promise, and keep such a fragile thing.. I'll offer you some of my trust that you will never hurt me nor my brother again. I'll believe you meant the words you poured."

Her lips quivered with a sense of relief on her face. "Thank you." The conversation ended there, a small smile on her face, and a serious one on mine. "One last thing before you wake up, Y/n." Ei spoke up, tilting her head down a little because of the 1-inch height difference (**sticking to what was said in the intro**) "Your persistence is admirable."

And just like that, it all ended.

I awoke in a cold sweat, my face dripping but the dream was replaying. Both the Ei dream in my head but the Kusanali one in real time. When awoken, I was greeted with a faint glow of my vision, thrown and tucked under my bed.


Hope you all enjoyed! I finally have time for this, I am so so so so so so so so so sorry this is a shit chapter, and if it's so short. I have a plan!.. no I don't lol, I'm just going with the flow when the motivational stream goes through my head.

Also! Something new: (**...**) authors note

Anyway, again I'm really sorry for the shit chapter. Thank you all for reading, even if the story wasn't detailed or good <333 make sure you all get rest and eat well please! Oh and don't forget to hydrate! C: have a good after/morning/sleep/evening, people! Love ya

Diana out ♡

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