Alpha Jackson

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Slowly I started to feel myself being drawn awake from my wonderful night of sleep next to my gorgeous newfound mate, by two tense agitated voices talking. Gradually, they started to get louder and louder, as I became more and more aware of my surroundings.

Flexing my arm, I could still feel the tingling sensation from where it was draped over Elena. Inhaling, taking in the mouth-watering scent of her honeysuckle and fresh rain. Relaxing a fraction knowing my mate was still laying here next to me, protected in my arms.

"I know an Alpha when I see one, and he's a powerful one." I heard an unfamiliar female voice speaking, directly behind me. Hovering close enough to Elena's bed that I could feel the heat of her body against my back.

Snapping my eyes open, not sure who or why Elena would be speaking to someone while we were still laying in bed together, let alone allowing them to enter the room when we were both in a vulnerable position. Looking around the best I could with blurry sleep filled eyes, especially considering I was flat on my stomach, leaving my back fully exposed.

Forcing my eyes to focus, they automatically landed on a set of beautiful hazel brown eyes. Smiling up at this magnificent beauty, who was looking extremely embarrassed at the moment.

Still sensing the nonthreatening presence behind me, I peaked over my left shoulder spotting an older she-wolf, who still radiated power and respect. A Luna or former for sure.

Quickly taking in her facial features, I quickly assessed that she held several similarities to Elena, Asher and Alpha Charles. Making her most likely Charles mother, so then Elena's Grandmother.

"Good morning handsome Alpha, my beautiful Elena has been mated with." she beamed down at me, radiating her happiness and pride with the Goddesses choice in mate for her granddaughter.

Swiftly turning over onto my back, sitting up not wanting to be in a uncontrollable or weak position, not that she seemed to be posing a threat, but I was going to cover all my bases until I was sure of her approval. Making sure to pull the sheets with me, so not to expose myself in any compromising way.

"Good morning ma'am" Giving her a polite nod and flashing my most dazzling smile, wanting to impress her with my charm.

I had a feeling she was the one I would really had to win over for Elena and I's mating to go smoothing, not Alpha Charles or Asher for that matter. And the way she's been eyeing me with a shy smile and a hint of blush on her cheeks, I'm confident she may already like me.

"Jackson... meet my Grandmother Shelby Maria Walters, former Luna to the Crescent Valley pack." Elena grimaces through the introduction as if she would like to crawl under the blankets to hide, yet she holds her head high despite her embarrassment.

My heart swells with pride at her determination to be poised and polite, she's going to be the perfect Luna Valk purrs completely in love with her already and I don't blame him, I think I am too. The overwhelming feeling of possessiveness and adoration for my little mate surged forward as I stared mesmerized by her beauty and gracefulness.

"Grandmother this is Jackson, son to the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack." she stammered biting her lip. Swallowing the growl in my throat, struggled to smile through my disappointment at the fact that she didn't address me properly as Alpha.

Let her know who we are, that we are ALPHA Valk snarled not liking being properly addresses, or how nonchalant she sounded introducing us  'calm down she's probably just nervous with her Grandmother hovering so close.' he snorts shaking his head calming himself, not wanting to be upset or angry with our beautiful Luna.

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