Alpha K?

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Pulling up to the trailer court where Daniella's father use to live and had left his mobile home to his daughter, after his passing.

Scowling at the run down trailer, the memories of coming here to meet Dani for a quick release flashed across my mind. Growling, I threw open my car door and headed up toward the house.

Sniffing the air around me, I couldn't catch the scent of an unknown wolf, let alone Dani's scent anywhere on the property. Somethings not right... we can't catch a scent at all Valk growled on full alert.

"Daniella." yelling as I banged on the door, even though she should be expecting me. "Dani."

Nothing. No answer. I wiggled the door handle and found it was locked. (Marcel.) linking my Beta (Alpha?) (Dani said the trailer courts right?) confirming my information as I walked back down the porch stairs and headed toward the back of the house, that was lined with forest.

(That's right... Why what's wrong Jax?) his voice laced with concerned. (There is no one here... Not even Dani.) answering as I continued toward the back of the house. (Jax... please wait for the Enforcers... especially before you start investigating.) his fear and distress was evident in our link.

"Well... well... well if it isn't Alpha Jackson himself." a menacing voice pierced the thick, tense air as he stepped out of the shadows of the tree line.

I didn't recognize this rogue, yet he seemed to know who I was. How was it I wasn't getting a scent off of him? How was it that he stood there undetected just a few mere feet from me?

"You have thirty seconds to get off my pack land... before I forcibly remove you from it." snarling as I watched him step out of the shadows, just on the edge of the lining forest.

He smirked at me as he cocked his head to the side. "Really?" mocking my authority.

Let's teach him a lesson he won't soon forget Valk snapped ready for a fight. Begging to be let out, to release all this built up frustration and anger we had over Elena.

"You were warned." growling as I crouched taking my fighting stance, ready to lunge for his throat.

He threw his head back with a deep laugh. "Boys... Let's show Alpha Jackson just how stupid it was for him to show up... All alone." smirking as I spotted four more rogues coming out of the shadows to stand along side the first.

(Marcel... The Enforcers need to hurry.) snapping into the link as I projected my current situation to him. (Get out of there Jax... Now, they have you surrounded.) Marcel panicked as he opened up the entire pack link. (GET TO ALPHA JACKSON NOW.)

"Rogues aren't this organized... Who sent you?" demanding an answer, quickly assessing each of them for their weak points as I formed a plan of attack.

"We call him Alpha K... The True Blood Alpha to the Blood Moon pack." the first man snarled as he narrowed his gaze on me.

    "ALPHA K." the other four yelled in unison, creepy. (Going to need that help boys.) (Almost there Alpha.) Tyson's worried voice rang across the link.

"Well then... Let's see how well he's trained you." growling as I waited for the first one to attack.

A smaller guy of the five lunged toward me, I easily evaded his attack extending my claws as I raked them down his back, cutting through his layers of clothing to make contact with his skin, ripping open his back.

A second ran at me as I braced for his impact, grabbing him by his throat digging in my claws as I lifted him and slammed him into the ground, before ripping his throat out, blood spurted from the mortal wound as he gargled his last breath.

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