The Little Piece

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Groaning as I stretched out my arms, slowly blinking my eyes open and looked around. I bolted up surprised to see that I was laying down in the backseat of a truck, wait no another Hummer.

What's with this pack and Hummers I scoffed, glancing around to see if Jackson was near by, but I didn't see him anywhere. Great why would he leave me alone in the car to head into the house? I growled in frustration.

Climbing out of the vehicle, I quickly ran my fingers through my hair, hoping to tame any stray strains before heading up to the house. I had every intention of giving Jackson a piece of my mind. Who did he think he was ditching me in the freaking Hummer?

Quickly looking around as I climbed the stairs to the house, seeing that is was a lot larger then Crescent Valley pack house or Alpha Mansion and the security in this place was ridiculously tight.

That wall was some serious business, but I was pretty sure I could jump it. Opening the front door, I hesitantly stepped into the foyer. Taking in my surroundings, admiring the beautifully decorations. I took quick notice that I could smell quite a few wolves in this house a lot more then a Alpha mansion, this must be the pack house.

"Can I help you." a sweet little voice asked.

Swiftly I turned to see a little girl about eleven years old standing before me, her blonde hair in a high ponytail as she clasped her hands behind her back swinging slightly making her cute little sun dress sway from side to side.

"Yes, please... Can you tell me where to find Alpha Jackson?" I asked smiling down at her.

"Are you his mate?" she asked giggling. I simply nodded. "Yeah, I'm so glad the Alpha found you, your very pretty." she beamed up at me with a toothy grin.

"Awe, your very pretty too." Beaming back at her, liking her already.

"His room is on the second floor... right hall... first door on the left, it's got two doors. I know cause no one in allowed in his room without his permission." she smiled, proud that she remembered.

"Thank you." I smiled, winking at her as I quickly headed up the stairs where the little girl had directed me.

Okay she said second floor... take a right... then first on the left. I turned and pointed at a set of double doors, glancing down the hallway I saw that there was one other door way at the end on the same wall as Jackson's, how big of a room did he need? I shook my head before opening the door and stepping in.

Stilling just inside the doorway, I glanced around a good size living room area complete with a flat screen t.v. mounted on the wall, a huge built in bar, table and chairs, a small kitchen area, and another door on the far left wall that probably lead to his bedroom. Gulping nervously, I went up to the door and quickly threw it open hoping to find him.

Instead I came face to face with a very pretty blonde, fake blonde from what I could tell, small slender frame, perky breast about a cup size or so bigger then me and I was a C-cup, those are probably fake too.

She was wearing a pink chiffon teddy, with lace covering her breast as well as matching lace panties, she was also sporting a pair of pink stilettos. I gaped at her in shock, who the hell was she? That's when I caught her scent, I knew that scent. I smelt it on Jackson just last night, she was the little piece he was with two days ago.

"Who the hell are you?" she screeched in a high pitched, annoying voice as she brought her hands up, attempting to cover up what little flesh she could.

"Who are you?" yelling back at fake boobs, anger and rage burning through my veins like molten lava.

Is this the same jealous rage that Jackson felt when he found out about Christian? If so I applaud him for the control he had over his wolf and not for not killing Chris, cause I was about to fuck this little tart up.

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