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"so how many more are we going to have to tell to back off of you now, love." she purred with a smirk, throwing my harsh words from last night back at me.

Flinching back from the sting of my own abrasive words being thrown back in my face, instantly pissing me off, especially after everything that happened today with the damn Beta.

"Really. You want to go there?" I snapped grabbing at her hand, stopping her soft hand from rubbing up and down my leg, it was far to distracting considering the conversation we were heading into.

Don't upset her, we just go her to come home with us. 'She's one to question me, when she had the fucking Beta dog following around behind her like a lost little pup.' You have pushed her enough today... I don't want her to reconsider rejecting us Valk growled remembering all to well the searing pain that came with the attempts, neither of us wanted to experience that anguish again.

"No... I don't" mumbling, her upset voice pulling me from my argument with Valk. She quickly removed her hand from mine and turned her attention to stare out the window, shutting herself off from me.


John's voice suddenly announced as he guided the plane out onto the runway. I turned to gaze back at Elena, taking in her beautiful features even as she glared out the window. See, see what you did he growled at me, scowling I shook my head.

Why did it seem that we were either over the moon in love with each other or snarling at each other's throat with no fucking middle ground to take a breath and let the ground stop shifting and crumbling beneath us.

Guilt at my reaction crashed over me, sighing I glance back over at her, watching as she closed her eyes as if she was exhausted and rested her head on the back of the seat. (Darling... your going to have to let her past go if you want a future with her.) mom mind linked me, so not to draw Elena or dad into the conversation. (She's the one who's questioning mine.) (Maybe so... but you know about her's, she doesn't know about all the little tramps you've messed around with.)

Furrowing my brow, I turned to stare completely caught off guard by my mother, surprised by her brazen comment. How did she know about them? (Really Jackson... I'm your mother, I know every little thing that goes on with my children... and no matter how much you scrub, you can't wash off the smell of a slut.) she raised her eyebrows at me, before resting her own head back on the seat and closing her eyes as well.

I hated to admit it, but she was right. I was most definitely no stranger when it came to releasing some built up sexual frustration with a few of the pack's easier she-wolves. Fucking hell. How the hell was I going to stop Elena from interacting with them or them seeking her out to exploit all the seedy details, because their jealous over their new Luna?


I had been so caught up in her and the fucking Beta's situation, that I hadn't even given a single thought about when she would came face to face with my own indiscretions. I mean look how she reacted toward the stewardess, whom I only ever flirted with, if that was any indication of her possible jealousy or fury then I was going to be in a world of hurt. This could get really ugly, really fast.


The flight seemed to pass by faster the usual, probably because I was preoccupied with worrying about Elena possibly coming into contact or interacting with any one of the females I've ever spent time with. Thankfully Elena was still out cold as John brought the plane to a stop.

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