Chapter 2

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Present day

I was breaking my skull trying to recall how and why I ended up with Fumiya that night. It's almost been a week today since then and I still have no idea how it all happened. There's no one to ask. The only person who knew what really happened was Fumiya himself. But there's no way I'd ask him about it. I still have the piece of paper with his number but as I am now, I'd rather die not talking to him than to bear it all in front of him again. That's like killing me twice. So I decided that I'd go on with my life and just take this dilemma to the grave with me. I'll eventually forget about it. I hope.


Currently, I'm living in a share-house with a couple of other tenants. There are 6 rooms in the house. 4 rooms near the living room and 2 rooms near the kitchen. Each room has a bath but there's only one kitchen, though it's big enough for 6 people. The living room is spacious too. There's no room for crowding. We split the rent and monthly charges fair and square. It's a friendly environment and I've been living here for quite some time now.

I know everyone by name but that's just it. There are 2 girls and 3 guys boarding in here apart from me. But the only person I kinda talk to is Mio, my room neighbor. The other girl and the guy in the rooms before us are just too much for me to handle. I seldom see the others anyway since I work in my room most time of the day and I even have my night shift sometimes. Mio is a freelance photographer. So she's the one almost at home most.

Despite not being fond of people, I had to choose this place since it was the cheapest decent place I could handle.


Early morning, I heard some noise coming from outside. I just woke up since I was working night shift that night and I heard some people moving in and out of the house.

I wanted to see for myself so I slightly opened my door and peeked outside. Then I saw the guy renting the room across mine, moving his things out of the house. Then I recalled, he said one week ago that he's moving to Kyoto for work.

"So it's today," I murmured to my self.

"Ohayou (morning) Kisa-chan."

I turned and saw Mio standing on the corridor near my door. Mio is actually a little older than me. She didn't really reveal her age but she said so, and think she's not lying.

"Ohayou," I silently greeted.

"The landlord said someone already booked the room he just left. And he's coming by the day after tomorrow," she told me.

"Ah hai."

"So we're having a new neighbor Kisa! Aren't you excited?" Mio uttered. She has a weird personality. Sometimes she's too quiet. There are times she's talking to herself. But most of the times, she's a little cheeky, but not really annoying.

"Iie, betsu ni. (No, not really.)"

"Haha. Of course you are. Let's have some breakfast?"

"Sumimasen, (sorry) I'd pass on that too. I have to sleep. Excuse me then."

"Hai, daijoubu. (It's okay)"

I closed my door and crawled onto my bed again. Ah... It's a pain to adjust to a new housemate again. Hope that person's not troublesome, I thought to myself. After staring at the ceiling, I found myself dozing off and soon fell asleep.


Fast forward: Sunday

The new boarder was coming today. It's a Sunday so most of the tenants are home. I was in my room when the others welcomed the person. For today, I decided to check out who it was. It kinda piqued my curiosity since I was hearing the other lady say, "Waah! Ikemen! Ikemen! (A good-looking man!)" This lady sure is shameless saying that to his face the first time seeing each other.

Moving on, I'd simply peek from my room and somehow give him a greeting just not to be rude. That's what I decided and so I did. And I was the most shocked person in the room to find out who he was. There's no way... I was fighting for my life deep inside. Cuz the person who was walking to the room in front of mine was Takahashi Fumiya. I was dumbfounded. I could not even think of blinking as I held my breath.

He was surprised to see me as well but since he saw the look on my face, he probably felt it wasn't the right time to let the others know we knew each other.

"Domo (hello)," he said.

I just nodded at him, containing all the humiliation I had in the back of my head. This is not happening. There has to be some kind of mistake.

"We'll just be at the other rooms if you need anything," Mio said as she passed by.

"Hai," he replied before walking in his room.

It was hard for me the whole time I was watching him enter his room. This isn't a joke isn't it? The gods must be playing a hard game with me. And before he closed his door, he gave me one last seeking look and bowed.

It took me the whole day to digest what has happened. I didn't even go out of my room for lunch. This is a disaster for me. What now? I never wanted to see him again after what happened. I never wanted anything to do with him again since I wanted to take the memories of that night to grave with me. But now this. I need to find some other place soon. I can't stay here. Not now that he's here.


To be continued...

nantokanarusa 23.08.17

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