Chapter 1

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My name is Nakama Kisa. I'm an introvert. A loner. And everything in between. I've always been aloof with people since I can remember. I was never bullied, I was never treated an outcast. It's just that, I'm at peace with myself. And being alone has never been a problem with me. I love my own space. And it's hard for me to get attached to people.

For this very reason, my one-sided crush lingered for a very long time. Since high school, I've admired Fumiya. But since being alone was okay with me, I never planned to confess. I decided that on my own but I never expected this feeling to still be present until today. (I'm now a freelance virtual assistant and I work mainly from home.) It's a wonder for me why, since getting attached is something I'm not good at. But maybe because it's just the feeling, that's why it's still there. But if it's the person, maybe that's out of the question.


A few weeks earlier

"We're having a reunion Kisa, we're organizing it right now," Minami, a former high school classmate, told me when I accidentally met her on my way home from doing groceries. 

We stopped by a café on the way, and here she is surprising me with an instant reunion with my high school classmates.

"E? I'm sorry I can't help. I'm a little busy with work right now," that's what I always say to people.

"It's okay. Just be present at the event okay? It's on the second week of September, on the 14th."

She's always been the lively one. I feel tired just by watching her in our younger years and she hasn't changed a bit. But she's nice, I can't deny that fact.

"I'll try," I'm trying my best not to let her down.

"Come on, Kisa. This doesn't happen very often. Actually I decided to organize this since I'll be flying to Germany next month. And I'm not sure if I'll be back again soon. So please? Promise me you'll come."

Despite my personality, I'm not a cold hearted person. As I recall, Minami was one of those very helpful classmates in my high school years. Maybe it's not too bad to accept her invite.

I finally gave up and agreed with her, "Hai, I'll make time."

"Arigatou!" She happily replied with a big smile on her pretty face.

As we talked, she showed me the list of those who already confirmed their attendance. And my eyes only drifted to one person on the list. Takahashi Fumiya. He has confirmed his attendance to the reunion. To be honest, I didn't know how I really felt. But it made me feel nervous and excited at the same time. So I'm gonna see him again. That's the only thought I had in mind.


I tried to look as decent as I could when the time came. Not many could remember me but at least I won't look pitiful in their eyes. I arrived at the venue on time and there were already a lot of my past classmates there. I was surprised when most of them greeted me when I came in.

"Kisa! Is that you? How have you been? You look even better right now!" Were some of their comments on me. Have I been this known before? I wondered. It's not that I hate this kind of conversations, I just don't really like being the center of attention.

Minami walked up to me by then and said, all smiles, "Kisa!! I'm really glad you kept your promise."

"Hai," I can't help but feel glad myself.

I walked in further trying to give anyone who recognized me my best smile and found a seat at the end of the table. But before I could sit down, I halted. Cuz at the head of the table, the person sitting was actually Fumiya. Have I been this lucky before? Seems I'm asking myself too many questions tonight.

"It's not taken, you can sit here Kisa," he told me.

I've never really talked to him that much in our high school years but I've never sat next to him before ever. So it made me feel really self-conscious when I took the seat.

It's hard not to look at him at this point. So I glanced at him every now and then as he talked with the others. His appearance changed quite a bit. He's more handsome now, more refined and more charming. Times do change people. But well, not me.

The reunion went on as they all just talked about their present jobs and what they've all been currently doing. Though there are times when others would recall funny or unforgettable events  in school. Making all us laugh or reminisce the good times. I sat there silently, just listening to them, more importantly, that Fumiya is sitting next to me.

Just like our younger days, he's always been one of the superior ones. He was popular and I bet he still is. Everyone looks up to him even till now. And he just said, he's been working as a model for a company.

"You have it great don't you Fumiya?" Someone said.

"Can you introduce me to some of your girl colleagues?" Another guy said.

"You never change!" Some threw shades at him and we all had a laugh.

"But what happened to your culinary course?" Someone recalled.

I got curious too. I remember he was so good at cutting onions whenever we had cooking activities.

He smiled, "Actually, I got my license after we graduated."


Everyone was in awe. And I was too. Seems like he's really out of our leagues. Fumiya really is someone to look up to.

After sometime the food was served and we lied-low on the conversation. But since Fumiya was sitting next to me, he asked me some questions too.

"What do you do now Kisa?" He asked.

I'm always hesitant in answering these kind of questions but since it's him, I'll give it a try. "I'm a virtual assistant. I work from home almost all the time."

"Cool, that's a nice job you got there. Wish I could stay at home and work too you know."

"It's boring but it's just the right job for me."

"Well, I can't agree more with you on that. At least you have more time for yourself."

"Well, yeah."

I ended the talk that moment and ate my food. Fumiya talked to the others as well. He's an allrounder. I doubt anyone wouldn't want to get close to him.

After dinner, some others decided to go to karaoke but I really wanted to escape. I tried to sneak away but Minami found me just before I could leave the place.

"Where are you going Kisa?" She asked.

I made a face and told her, "I really have to go."

"But you promised me!"

"But Minami..."

"Come on, it's just an hour or two. Please?"

Seeing her face, pleading but still very cute, I just had to say, "Hai. (Yes)"

I couldn't say no since I gave her my word. This is one of my weaknesses. If I promise one thing, I'd pull it through till the end. That's why I don't get attached that easily. I keep my promises. No matter what.

About ten people came to karaoke and one of them was Fumiya. Minami was having too much fun being the host and all the others are just as lively as her. Fumiya sang great like always. I was kinda having fun myself. It's much more relaxing with the people you've known for a long time.

Soon, the drinks came. I'm a bad drinker. I can only drink a cup and that's it. But since it's a get together, we were all forced to drink more than we can handle. And I was told to drink 2 more cups for fun. And when I did, that was when my memory all became fuzzy. Everything that happened registered like a dream and I could not even remember any of it.


To be continued...

nantokanarusa 23.08.14

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