Chapter 8

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I'm still avoiding Fumiya after a week. But I've been contemplating about it. I don't think he's the type to make up a story just to cover up his mess. And besides, why would he even make up a story about me? Who am I? I'm no one, and there's absolutely nothing to gain from someone like me. And if it's true that I confessed to him, then why is he still going after me? I just can't understand why he still wants to associate himself with me. There's so many girls out there, like Mio said. Him going out with me would be really weird. What does he want with me, really?


One of those nights...

"Kisa...! Kisa...!" Fumiya uttered as he knocked on my door. "I need to talk to you. Please.."

From the inside, I could hear him well. It's 11PM, what does he want with me in the middle of the night. And the others might awaken, what the heck is he doing? But from the way he sounded, it's different, so I assumed he's drunk. So why would I even open that door? I don't even talk to him when he's sober, so why would I now?

So I let him knock on my door and not give a damn about it. It's not my fault if the others get awakened from all of his noise.

"Kisa... Please talk to me..!" His voice is slightly getting louder.

What is wrong with you, Fumiya? I thought to myself, lightly panicking inside the room. Yes, it's his fault for being so noisy, but he's right in front of my door! The others might think there's something going on between us. That thought alarmed me for good that I finally decided to open that door. No one should see us together like this. He's got to get a hold of himself!

He stood up straight and stared at me with his intoxicated eyes as I opened my door for him. His hair falling down his forehead made him look even more gorgeous than before. It's hard not to notice cuz his slightly red cheeks made his face look even more attractive.

"What do you want?" I still had that stern look on my face even though I'm fighting my infatuation deep inside. Why does he have to look at me with those drunken but gleaming eyes? I'm getting really nervous.

"Kisa, I need you to believe me," he started.

But then some people suddenly arrived outside and from the sound of it, it was the guys from the other rooms. I got agitated that they might see Fumiya in this state talking to me and hear what we are talking about, so without having much thought, I pulled him to my room and locked the door behind us.

Because I was scared of being seen, I didn't think of the consequences of my actions. Now I have a drunk Fumiya behind me, as I was still facing the door. I kick myself inside as I slowly turn around to face him. I hoped and prayed that he would not get any ideas from this, good or bad. I just need to get over this night.

But right after turning around, I was shocked as he trapped me against the door, his hands on both sides of my body as he stared deep into my eyes.

"Tell me you don't like me. Tell you never liked me since high school, Kisa," he uttered with a hint of pain in his voice.

I could if it was a lie, but I couldn't. These feelings have been with me for as long as I can remember. It's hard for me to relinquish it even for a moment. Most especially in front of the person these feelings are for.

I avoided looking into his eyes. It's getting harder and harder to look at him if he continues being like this. I might just crumble and fall, unsure if he's going to pick up my broken pieces.

"Kisa... Kisa, tell me..." he whispered to me.

I couldn't answer him. I didn't want to.

Maybe he got fed up with me. Maybe he lost his patience. Cuz within that time, he suddenly pulled me and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Fumiya?!" That was the time I had the will to talk. "Chotto matte (Wait a minute!)!" He was so heavy I couldn't push him back. I couldn't move. He was completely all over me.

For a moment, we stayed like that. I let him since pushing him away is no good anyways. Until I felt him leaning onto me, murmuring some things I couldn't understand. He was getting heavier by the minute, so then I realized he was actually dozing off!

"Fumiya? Oi, Fumiya!" I lightly tap him by the shoulder, but he doesn't flinch.

I tried to move him, but I was the one getting pinched to the door. So little by little, I stepped away. But maybe he felt I was inching away, that he suddenly turned us around and was completely pushing me in further until we reached my bed. We both fell down on our sides, but he's still very much clinging to me that I couldn't move away.

He's already sleeping soundly, but he was still holding me. And then he suddenly brushed his forehead with mine saying, "Ore... anata ga suki da... Kisa... (I like you, Kisa...)"

It's as if my heart would explode. And slowly, gradually, my tears couldn't help but fall. He just confessed to me in his sleep. In his sleep, he's still thinking of me. Something I'd never even dreamed of.

The morning after...

I was sitting on the floor as I waited for him to wake up. I could't sleep at all. The way he held me tightly on the bed didn't give me a wink of sleep. I was only able to move away from him when he finally slept deeply in the middle of the night.

"Kisa..." he murmured on the bed.

He kept murmuring my name all through the night, too. It made me feel uncomfortable in some ways. He couldn't have fallen for me that deep, right? There's no way. Maybe he only wanted to keep me beside him since that night happened.

Soon, he finally woke up. He opened his eyes, feeling the unfamiliar bed. He looks around with half-open eyes and sees me on the floor on the side of the bed. That moment, he knew he messed up the night before.

So he quickly folded his knees and made a kneeling bow before me and said, "Honto ni sumimasen deshita! (I'm really sorry for what I did!)"

I didn't even look at him. For now, I just wanted him to leave, so I said, "Just please go to your room now."

He didn't say a word, but there's nothing but regret plastered all over his face when I glanced at him. He walked to the door, feeling guilty of everything, but decided it's better to leave me alone for now.

I walked after him to lock the door when he leaves but maybe it was a bad idea cuz when he stepped out of the door, almost all of the tenants were near the corridor and saw him.

In time, they were giving us intriguing and judging looks that were all mean in my eyes. I needed to step out to clear everything.

"This is all a misunderstanding! We're not— dating. There's nothing going on between us," I said.

But maybe those weren't the right words to say cuz they were still looking at us. So I pushed him out and locked my door. This has always been a problem with me. I can't stand everyone's attention.

Outside your room...

Fumiya simply waved at the others and said, "Ohayou!"

"Oy, Fumiya, great going there," one of the guys said.

"Ah, I got drunk last night. It wasn't intentional," he replied.

"But she's still in denial. Can't she see what she's missing?" That one lady said.

"Don't mind her. She’s still thinking about things," he defended.

The girl came over Fumiya and said. "If she ever gives you a hard time, you can come to me anytime."

He didn't respond. Instead, he walked to his room and locked the door.

Mio was just silent at the corner. She needs to talk to you cuz this is going out of hand.


To be continued...

nantokanarusa 23.11.05

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