Chapter 3

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I couldn't stay still all day. And worse, I couldn't even leave my room. How in the world did this even happen? What's the probability of us staying at the same share-house in all of Tokyo?! I just can't believe my luck. If anyone can be this lucky, it's the other way around for me.

For days, I used my listening skills on whether he leaves the room or not. I'd only leave my room at night, about 11pm to get anything from the kitchen that will last me all day the next day. I stored a couple of instant ramen and some cookies for snacks in case I get hungry. I'd even go to the nearest 7/11 at midnight just to get some bento or sushi for the next day. I did all of this deliberately just not to cross paths with him in his first few days in the house. I know I look ridiculous, but I really am going crazy just thinking about it. When I thought I'd take my humiliation of that night to the grave. You can say I'm over reacting but this is what I want and I don't want anything to do with him ever again.


After a week, I finally learned about his working schedule. I was so sure of it. He leaves at 7-8AM and comes back at 7-8PM. That's how it has been this past week. So I can finally relax. I will never bump into him this way and it's all good.

9AM, after stretching out and waking up to a good night sleep, I opened my door and stepped outside. After closing my door, I was ready to greet the morning sun when suddenly, the door in front of me slowly opened.

With wide eyes, I was greeted by the newly bathed Fumiya with a towel over his shoulders, who looks dashing in his daily shirt and pants. He smiled delightedly and said, "I finally saw you in the morning. Ohayou Kisa."

"O-ohayou," I greeted back before rushing out of the house and completely running away from home.

I catch my breath as I stop by the nearest 7/11. I felt really stupid that moment. Maybe he thinks I'm a lot weirder than I have ever been right now. I felt really stupid. There's no way I can avoid him forever right? The only way to is to move out. So while I'm looking for some place to move into, I just have to deal with seeing him right? Instead of looking so dumb and feeling so helpless like this. I'm just adding misery to my already miserable situation.

The next day

I was hesitant to open my door cuz I might see him walking out of his door again. So I slowly peeked outside just to make sure he's not there. It's 9AM again, he should be gone by now. Most of the tenants leave the house at 7-8AM I'm sure he's no different. Maybe yesterday was just his day-off of something.

Seeing no Fumiya there, I freely got to the kitchen to get some hot water for my coffee. But then...

"Ohayou!" He greeted me yet again today.

I was shocked to hear his voice. And even more shocked to see his face. He's mesmerizing. And looks even more handsome today cuz he's preparing something for breakfast. I have always admired his cooking skills. Even in high school, he always looked so cool when in the kitchen. And today, I can't really run away again like I did yesterday. For now, I will calm myself down.

"Ohayou," I replied after those strings of thought.

I can only glance at him as I fetch some water from the dispenser.

"Join me for breakfast Kisa. I'll cook you some. What do you want?-"

"No thanks. I'm okay with coffee. I'm going back to my room now. Ja. (Bye.)"

"Sure," he said with a hint of disappointment.

I walked away and directly got into my room. As I lock the door, I leaned over it and felt somewhat bad, for him and for myself. If that night didn't happen, we're probably chatting nicely at the kitchen every time we caught onto each other. It's probably very different from how it is now. I feel bad for avoiding him but what can I do? It's killing me too. This feeling that I never thought I'd ever feel. I'm sorry Fumiya, I hope you forgive me for acting this way.


Every now and then, we'd cross paths in the house and he'd make some small talk but I'd always brush him away. But on the contrary, he seems to be in good terms with the others in the house. I saw him one time, chatting with the guy next to his room. The other lady has also been friendly with him. And of course, there's Mio, who easily gets liked by everyone. I saw them talking a lot at times too.

As I start to push him even farther away from me, my house hunting isn't going any good either. There aren't many share-houses around the area and it's making it difficult for me to find a place to run off to. Seems like I just have to deal with living with him for as long I can.


At 2PM, I have just woken up since I was working all night for my new employer. I'm in this job for a month so I'd be awake till 3AM. It can be tiring, but work is work. I have to live with it.

I got out of my room and saw Fumiya browsing on his iPad at the living room. Sitting across him was Mio, who seems to be asking him about something. It a good thing that they haven't noticed me so I quietly paced my way to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

Meanwhile in the living room...

"Would you mind if I ask?" Mio asked.

"Nan desu ka? (What is it?)" Fumiya replied.

"Do you have a girlfriend right now?"

Fumiya was taken aback by the question but replied anyway, "Why are you asking?"

"It's because I'm interested," her eyes were twinkling in excitement.

Fumiya looked at her in surprise, that such a straightforward girl exists.


To be continued...

nantokanarusa 23.08.26

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