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A month has passed, and we're still very modest about this relationship. Well, I am, honestly. I'm still not very confident in dating him. Especially when going out with him, I always feel insecure. Thinking like I'm not supposed to be the one he's dating or I'm not in the same league as him, so why am I the one beside him? Though he'd always assure me of my insecurities. And I really appreciate everything he does for me. I really do.


One morning...

"Kisa? Can I use your bath?" Fumiya said as he knocked on your door. "Kisa?"

He held onto the knob and twisted it open. There was no one else in the house right now, but you and him, he thought. So he entered out of curiosity. Only to find the room empty.

A few moments later...

I came quickly in the house as the summer heat burned on my skin. Another minute outside would truly melt me literally. Carrying my groceries, I went directly to my room. As I passed by, I glanced at Fumiya's room. He said he's staying in today, making it just the both of us in the house. The thought made me feel nervous. This is gonna be the first time I'll be truly alone with him after being his girlfriend.

I walked into my room and put the groceries at the side. The dress I'm wearing is killing me, so I hurried to take it off, facing back the windows.

"Ah! Why's it so hot today?" I complained as I threw the dress onto the bed.

Now, only in my underwear, I turned around to take a quick shower, but what met my eyes was someone I didn't expect. Fumiya, with a towel on his head and a newly put on pair of clothes, is standing at the entrance of the bath looking down on me, speechless.

I froze for a moment but hastily grabbed the dress on the bed and covered my body with it then said, "What in the world are you doing in here?!"

That's when he averted his gaze and talked, "Gomen. My bath drain is clogged, so I thought of asking you to let me use your shower. But your door was open, and you were gone, so I helped myself. I didn't mean to sneak in on you. Gomen! I'll take my leave, let's talk outside."

He hurriedly left my room, and I just collapsed on my bed. I know I'm his girlfriend now, but this is still a shock for someone like me. Getting attached to him is a process for me. And intimate things are far more of a challenge for my personality.

A moment later...

I got out after taking my shower and saw him sitting in the living room. When he saw me, he stood up and looked guilty all over again.

"I'm sorry again for what happened earlier," he said.

I came over him and tugged at his sleeve to sit with me. "It's okay. I was just surprised."

"I should've waited for you to come back."

"I should've told you I was going out for a bit."

It's a mutual thing. So far, I'm amazed that Fumiya is a really sweet person. He's not afraid of admitting his mistakes.

"Ano... (you see) I know you've seen it all that night demo (but)... I'm still new to this." I had to tell him to make things clear.

"Hai, daijoubu," he simply replied.

I panicked a little, "You're not even gonna refute that?"

"Hai. Nande? (Why?) It happened just once, but I remember it all clearly."

I blushed like a tomato hearing this from him. And he's not even fazed saying it to my face.

"Fumiya, baka! (Stupid!)"

I buried my face in my hands from the humiliation, but then I heard him snicker. When I looked at him, he was laughing.

"I was just teasing you. Though it's all true. But it doesn't matter to me."

That gentle look is there again. I'm always enthralled when he looks at me this way. I realize I'm quite lucky cuz there's no one else who could see those loving eyes but me.

"I'm really sorry for barging in on you like that."

"Daijoubu," I held his hand. "I'll let you see it all again anyways."

He can't hide the surprise in his eyes. But I added one more thing, "Some other time."

He slightly smiled and pulled me in his arms, "Hai, hai." And hugged me gently while stroking my hair.

I smiled to myself as I hugged him back, feeling his warmth on this very hot summer day.

It all started with that complicated night. But through that, we discovered our real feelings. And those feelings are bound to stay, forever.


The end.

nantokanarusa 23.12.22

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