Fumiya Interlude 3

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All three days I'm in Kyoto, I'm only thinking about how to talk to her about what happened that night. I want to clear things up with her. I want to tell her that I decided to continue what we have started and go out with her for good.

But when we finally get to talk about it...

"You're harassing me."

"Did you like it that much? Taking the virginity of your high school classmate?"

"You can't quote me for something I don't even recall!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I was drunk! Why did you have to take it too seriously?"

It was a disaster. She's denying everything. And worse, she's even denying her feelings for me. Did I make a mistake believing her? Was it wrong of me to cling onto the words she earnestly said that night? I felt betrayed for a moment. It wasn't how I expected it to be. She can be difficult, I know, but not at this level. At least she could've admitted her feelings. It would've made me feel a little confident about myself.

But recalling how she confessed to me that night, it was different. It was the first time I ever had someone confess to me like that. It got through to me. She said just the right words I've been wishing to hear all along. She made me believe her feelings were genuine. And I knew I would never find someone who'll love me like she does. I knew right then that I had to keep her.


I felt broken for a while. But after recalling how it really was that night, I knew she was just feigning innocence. Everything she told me that night was from the bottom of her very heart. I felt it. It wasn't a shallow show of affection. I have to make sure one more time. So I went for a drink to compose myself.

But it was a very bad idea. I drank a little bit too much that I messed up big time. When I woke up the next morning and saw her all crumpled up on the floor at the side of the bed, I knew I had made a huge blunder. And all I could do was apologize for everything I'd done.

"Honto ni sumimasen deshita!"

I can't even look at her the following days cuz of shame. Ah, what have I been thinking? I haven't been this impatient in a while. I must really want to be with her by now. I realize all the things I've been doing are not ordinary to me. She has affected me this much. She has made me miserable to the point of overdoing myself.

I confessed to her, I remember that. So I hope she finds even a little bit of empathy in her heart to hear me out. Cuz if this goes on, I don't know what else to do. Do I need to give up or forget about her? But that would be too hard for me. When I finally found the person I'm willing to spend forever with.


To be continued...

nantokanarusa 23.11.22

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