Chapter 4

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Meanwhile in the living room...

"Would you mind if I ask?" Mio asked.

"Nan desu ka? (What is it?)" Fumiya replied.

"Do you have a girlfriend right now?"

Fumiya was taken a aback by the question but replied anyway, "Why are you asking?"

"It's because I'm interested," her eyes were twinkling in excitement.

Fumiya looked at her in surprise, that such a straightforward girl exists.

But Mio is not any of those, "Maa, maa, I'm interested but it's not for me." She can be really tricky.

"What's the use of asking then?"

"Cuz I can see you're interested too."

"Nani? (What?)"

"So do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nai... desu. (I don't.)"

"Then why aren't you doing anything?"

"Excuse me?"

"Someone is having a hard time with you around. But I know you mean well. Ganbare! (I'm rooting for you.) Fighto Takahashi-kun! May the odds be with you. Ja!"

Mio went away then leaving Fumiya distraught, "Nani sore? (What was that about?)"

Then he heard Mio yelling, "Kisa-chan!!"

He turned to see Mio clinging onto you, who's in the kitchen preparing something. He almost wanted to walk over you but Mio's in the way. Maybe some other time, he thought. He'll definitely talk to you the next time. 

In the kitchen...

Mio has been staring at me for a while. She's sitting across me at the kitchen table. I'm still mashing up the potatoes I'm baking.

"Nani? (What is it?)"

"I don't see any connection between the two of you, to be honest."

"What are you talking about?"

"He's handsome and charming, many girls would die to go out with him, but you."

From then on, I think I got an idea who she's talking about. So I kept quiet. I didn't wanna give her anymore ideas.

"You're cute Kisa. Maybe you just haven't looked at yourself in the mirror long enough."

I still kept my silence. I don't want to acknowledge whatever Mio is pointing at.

"Why are you holding back? Or rather, what's holding you back? It's just love Kisa-chan. You only have to let it all go."

Mio just said the craziest, but most difficult thing for me. To let it all go. I glance at Fumiya who's still busy with his iPad and just looked down on myself. She's right, we're two worlds apart. Nothing has ever connected our worlds before. Except for that night but it shouldn't be one of them.


After a tiring long night, I needed to refresh myself. So I got out of my room at 3AM, thinking no one's awake for sure. I walked out stretching myself to the living room and sat there. With the night lights filling the dark room, I stared outside. It's calming and soothing, this type of silence in the night. At least for me.

After a few minutes, I walked to the kitchen to prepare something to eat before sleeping. Something light and a little sweet I thought. And then I saw some baked cupcakes in the oven. I wonder who left these?

As I was looking over the cupcakes, someone stepped in the kitchen all of a sudden. And when I turned around, I was surprised all over again. Cuz it was Fumiya.

"Kisa..." he uttered. "Why didn't you turn the lights on?" He turned it on and finally we can see each other very well.

"Ah, sumimasen," was all I could say. I didn't want to bother anyone that's why. And most definitely not you, I added in my head.

"I baked those," he said, referring to the cupcakes which I was looking at when he appeared.

"Ah, gomen. I was just wondering who left those," I said as I slowly turned away and walked around the kitchen table.

"I'm leaving early today for my trip to Kyoto so I thought I'd bring some desserts along the way. Would you like some? This is too much for me, actually," he's smiling at me, like the friendly Fumiya I've always known.

"Iie, daijoubu desu," I cannot even look straight at him. And why do we have to be at the kitchen at the same time at this time of the night? Of all people, really. It had to be him.

"Take it," he already put two pieces on a saucer plate for me before I knew it cuz I was busy with my thoughts.

I was too stiff to refuse or thank him that moment that I was surprised to feel his hands on my shoulders, "Suwatte kudasai. (Please take a seat.)" As he pushed me down gently on a dining chair.

He even sat beside me on the table when I didn't turn to look at him. How could I? But then he said,  "Please don't be indifferent about me Kisa. We're high school classmates remember? I hope you can stop avoiding me now cuz it makes me feel bad too you know. I don't intend to make you feel the same though. So please be nice to me again. Will you?"

That moment, I felt guilty making him feel unwelcome. I have been too rough with him haven't I? When he doesn't deserve to be treated that way.

So I had no other choice but to apologize, "Gomen, I hope you can be nice to me as well from now on."

In an instant, he was patting my head gently. I was really surprised. And when I looked up to him, he was smiling at me.

"Yosh, let's catch up Kisa!"

I was enchanted once again. It was genuine, that smile he had on his face. Seems like I really did hurt him these last few weeks. And right now, he's finally letting loose all of those bad feelings.

Fumiya started sharing about himself from that moment on and deep inside me, I felt relieved. Maybe we can really go on like this anyway without my overthinking eating me up. Maybe we can really still be friends after all. Just maybe.


To be continued...

nantokanarusa 23.09.05

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