Fumiya Outro

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"Are you... really okay with someone like me?"

"Hm, Suki da, Kisa."

"Watashi mo, Fumiya."

It feels like yesterday and tonight, we're celebrating our first 100 days together. We've decided to move in together. So now we're living in an apartment, still around the area, just the both of us. I got off from work earlier so I could cook some of her favorites while she's still working in her room until 9PM. There have been some ups and downs before reaching this 100 days, but everything just makes our relationship even stronger.

"Umai! (So good/tasty!)" She exclaimed as she eats my cooking.

"Domo," I smiled at her.

After dinner, she and I sat together on the couch while she browsed on her phone for her schedule the next day. I have my arm around her shoulders as I look over her.

"Still busy the next few days?" I asked.

"Hm," she nodded. "My new employer just sent me a new batch of Excel files to organize. How about you?"

"Hm... I'm taking a week off."

She seemed surprised that she looked up to me with asking eyes, "E? How come?"

I smiled at how cute she is. Staring at her like this barely gives me the chance to hold myself back from kissing her. But I stopped myself. Instead, I lean over and brush my forehead onto hers.

"I was just teasing you," I whispered with a smile.

"Mou... anata... (you...)" she complained.

I'm taken aback when suddenly she pushed me on the couch and laid over my chest, her hair falling off the sides of her face while looking down on me.

"I want to make up for the times I've been locking myself up in my room, avoiding you without any explanation and simply wanting to be alone for no reason. I know it's hard to understand me sometimes, but you're still keeping up with the person I am, still wanting to be with me through my personal struggles. I want to thank you for being there for me all this time. I want to thank you for loving me like how you do. When I don't think I deserve everything from you. But I love you. I really, really love you, Fumiya. Please don't get tired of loving me," she said as tears started forming in her eyes.

I felt overwhelmed. I felt glad. She's still insecure about this relationship when I've been giving my all from the start. She's finally bearing it out all for me for once. And I really, certainly appreciate it.

I reach out to her face and touch her cheeks softly while saying, "You don't have to worry about anything. You just have to be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. Cuz who I love is the Kisa you have always been. And you're more than enough for me. I'll always love you. No matter what."

"Promise?" Her eyes are bulging in tears that are about to fall.

"I promise."

She dives into me and gives me a kiss more affectionate than ever. And I envelope her in my arms, not letting her feel insecure ever again.

I know it all started with her promising to be with me forever, but it now ends with me, promising to always love her no matter what. And I'll keep that promise forever.


The end.

nantokanarusa 23.12.24

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