Fumiya Interlude 2

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"O-ohayou," she greeted back before rushing out of the house and completely running away from home.

She's avoiding me. It's obvious. It's the first time we see each other again today since I moved in and she goes running out of the house that instant. I don't know how I should feel. I'm a little hurt about it but then, I'm also being rational, thinking maybe she's just shy after what happened between the two of us. She's always been an introvert since high school. And I doubt she's changed anyhow. I take a deep breath and relax myself. I have plenty of time to talk to her in this house. I just have to be patient.


She continued to avoid me as the days go on but I'd just let her be. I'll give her the time she needs. She can't avoid me forever can she? Right, I'd just bear with it a little more.

And finally, I get to be with her alone at the kitchen in the middle of the night. I'd check on the cupcakes I'm baking at 3AM. I'd be on the road early today since I'm shooting in Kyoto.

And just then, when I stepped into the kitchen, I see someone bending over the oven. The lights are still off and only the moonlight is illuminating the kitchen from the windows. And here she is. I'm a little surprised and a bit more glad to find her alone in there at a time like this. It made my morning a lot better.

""Kisa..." I said, startling her a little. "Why didn't you turn the lights on?" I turned it on and finally I can see her very well.

"Ah, sumimasen," was all she could say.

"I baked those," I said, pointing at the cupcakes in the oven. I'm really glad she's here right now.

"Ah, gomen. I was just wondering who left those," she replied as she slowly turns away and walks around the kitchen table.

She looks skeptic, so I decided to explain why I made those cupcakes. "I'm leaving early today for my trip to Kyoto so I thought I'd bring some desserts along the way. Would you like some? This is too much for me, actually," I smiled at her, trying to make the atmosphere a little friendlier for her.

"Iie, daijoubu desu," she uttered.

She's still not looking straight at me. I'm sure she's still feeling awkward around me. So I decided to break her discomfort. "Take it," I put two pieces of cupcakes on a saucer plate for her to eat.

She's still not taking it so I put my hands on her shoulders and push her gently on a dining chair, "Suwatte kudasai. (Please take a seat.)"

Right then I sat beside her and stated everything I have in mind. I can't be more patient than this after all. "Please don't be indifferent about me Kisa. We're high school classmates remember? I hope you can stop avoiding me now cuz it makes me feel bad too you know. I don't intend to make you feel the same though. So please be nice to me again. Will you?"

She's not looking at me but maybe somehow I reached out to her. Cuz she said, "Gomen, I hope you can be nice to me as well from now on."

I felt really happy that time that I couldn't help myself. I pat her head softly, smiling gently, not hiding away my felicity. She looks up to me and then I said, "Yosh, let's catch up Kisa!"


To be continued...

nantokanarusa 23.09.14

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