𝑨𝒘𝒌𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

868 15 1

Olivia pov:

Next day.

I've never been more cold in my life. Wanting to stay in this comfy bed forever, but also go and take a warm shower.

I look at my phone, checking to see if anyone has texting...well my mother, and there's no texts, or missed calls.

I sigh and shake my head.

This is good.

I am where I want to be.

I can be here the whole summer, do a lot of fun shit before college starts, and just live peacefully for a couple of months.

Don't let her bring you don't so easily. Don't let her actions reflect on your enjoyment while being here.

I grab the things I need and head to the bathroom. As I enter, all I can smell is cinnamon and pine cones and Christmas. For some reason it smells like Christmas in this bathroom in the midst of summer. But, it smells nice.

Then I see the door he was talking about, and then quickly go to lock it.

How would I know if he aint a pervert...

Sadly, one thing that sucks about moving into someone else's home is not having shower concerts. Especially if you dont know them.

It is just... the most respectful thing to do...


I place my clothes down and place my shampoo on the counter.

Shoot. My soap.

I quickly rush out of the room to go downstairs, until I hear someone's voice in the forbidden room.

I sneak a peak and see the landlord's brother holding a necklace up in the air, looking at it as if it's the most important thing he has ever held.

He then traces his finger around the endless infinity sign and places it back down onto the counter.

"Shit," I say, as I accidentally drop my phone.

He quickly looks over my way and I quickly hide.

Hoping he didn't see me.

Hoping he was a second too late to see me.

But then I hear some footsteps coming to the door.

I look over and then see him leaning against the doorframe, with an intense stare at me but an unreadable expression.

"I- sorry. I was just heading downstairs and I heard a voice." I say, and then take a peak towards him again, but there he is still looking at me.

I bite the inside of my cheek not knowing what to say next.

"I didn't mean to in-" I start to say, but then I get interrupted by a doorbell.

He shifts his attending away from me and now to downstairs.

As he walks away I sigh in relief.

I don't know what I just walked into, but I don't want to know how that could have ended.

"You're here." I hear him say from downstairs.

I quietly go down the stairs to see who it actually is that is downstairs.

"With belly." he says, as I walk down the stairs further.

At the door I see a guy with dark blondish hair and a girl behind him with brunette hair. They are both holding hands with one hand and then holding luggages with the other.

And the atmosphere feels...very awkward. 

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