𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆?

694 17 3

Olivia POV:

I try to shut my eyes but I can't stop thinking about what happened downstairs.

In the room.

I've never been more confused in my life.

Is he really willing to date some stranger that his brother is renting a room for just to make his ex girlfriend jealous. I mean, he clearly still likes her but what will this do? She's already dating landlord dude.

Wait. Did he steal his own brother's girl....No cant be. That's messed up.

But..thats what it seems to be..

I would be pissed off too, if I was him, as well.

I take out my phone and go on my notes app.

Conrad- pros and cons list

Pro- he is hot as hell and playing pretend won't hurt

Con- you don't know this man. You don't owe him any favors.

Pro- did I mention his face?? he's hot as hell-

Con- he's a stranger. Why would YOU need to help him out.

Con- you don't want to be put in any drama right now.

Con- This could end badly.

Pro- he would give you something in return

Con- i just want to relax and be a normal teenager this summer

Pro- this is normal teenager shit and i came here to live a little

I came here to live a little. I came here to make friends and have fun and leave my old life behind. I made a risk coming here, and maybe this could be fun. Or maybe this could be a terrible decision which I will regret.

But how would fake dating a guy hurt me at all?

Con- You don't know his intentions

Pro-You could end it any time you want to.

Pro- this could be fun

Pro-live a little

"I don't know," I say, while pressing my head against my pillow, wanting to scream.

I check the clock and it is already 5 am. I have been thinking about this all night already.

How bad could it be right?

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

I get up from the bed and go towards his door. Not knowing what I'm going to say, but just wanting to make a clear decision and for my mind to be at peace.

I can hear low music playing and rummaging occurring in his room.

I knocked. And then knock again.

"Who is knocking so earl-" he says, but then stops talking when he sees me. He is only wearing some shorts, headphones, and he is completely shirtless.

"Fine. I will do it." I say, surprised I even got the words out of my mouth. Trying to keep my glance at only his eyes.

"Good...morning," I heard someone say from behind me.

I turn around and see the girl from yesterday. His so-called ex.

I give her a smile and then turn back to him.

He shoots her a wave and then goes forward towards me.

"What are yo-"

"Good morning, Liv." he says, as he wraps his arms around me while caressing my hair.

All I can feel is the warmth of his body and his strong arms around me. Kind of feels like you're a little kid and he could bring you all the comfort in the world.

He goes towards my ear and whispers,

I feel a breath close to my ear, which causes an electric type feeling to go through my body.

"Thanks." he whispers.

" I owe you. Big time."

He lets go and glances behind me.

I stay still, still in shock from the hug he just gave me.

I hear a door close behind me and he then sighs.

"Thank you. Really." he says, and I just nod.

I think I am still in complete shock. Why am I acting like no one has ever hugged me in my life. Or even whispered.

Get your shit together.

"So, I kind of have to take a shower and stuff so.."

"Yeah. Yeah. Of course. I also have to go..you know shower.. So yeah."

I look up at him and he gives me a confused look.

"But there is only...one shower."

"Right. Right. Sorry, yes go. I will- We will talk later." I say and quickly turn around.

Why am I like this?

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