Chapter 12

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"Fareeha I will drop you first because am off to somewhere and home is closer than where your friend lives. Didn't she tell us she lives near Tarmin house?" My eyes met with Shahzad's in the rearview mirror.

"Are you sure you don't want to kidnap my friend or something?" Fariha turned towards me, "If my brother tries to drag you in a dark alley or takes the wrong direction just dial my number ok?" I know she was just trying to pull her brother's leg because she was smiling trying to contain her laughter while from the review mirror I could see Shahzad crease his forehead in disapproval.

The car came to a halt in front of a big house and Fareeha got off the car.
"Sweet heart call me when you reach home safe. Feel safe with my brother, he might be dumb but he will take you home safe." She stuck her hand through the driver's mirror and ruffled his head. Shahzad waited until the door was opened and Fareeha slipped in. He turned the keys into ignition and heavy silence fell upon us.

I sighed in relief  knowing that Fareeha didn't follow me to my 'house'. I don't know what her reaction would have been but am sure I would have not liked her reaction. Am sure later or sooner she would find out. Maybe her brother would enlighten her about my situation. I lifted my eyes to the rearview and caught the brown orbs already staring. He awkwardly drifted his eyes towards the road.

Shahzad came off the car and got my crutches and wheelchair from the trunk. He opened the car door and hands me the crutches. I lifted my body and supported my weight with the cruthes as he adjusted the wheelchair.

I murmured Shukran as I sunk into my wheelchair. I waited until he started walking towards the gate and started wheeling after with his back facing me.

Under the big oak tree as usual Lateefa was sitting sipping hot tea evident by the steam from her cup that was drifting in the air. Shahzad went to her side and lowered himself to peck Lateefa on the forhead gaining an instant smile from her.

He sat opposite her, his smile mirroring hers. I couldn't help but feel the respect I had for this guy triple.
I pass by Lateefa and greet her and head to change.

I freshened up and change into something comfortable before making tea. I made my way back to Lateefa and Shahzad, who  hasn't left yet, with a thermos flask and a cup in my hand.

I poured them tea and joined them when Lateefa pleaded me to stay. I silently sipped my tea not taking part in their conversation but just nodding my head when something relatable was said.

"Shahzad wanted to speak with you." Lateefa said goofily after awhile. I looked at him and he nervously stared at his watch, his adams apple bobbing up and down.

"Excuse me, I need to use the washroom." Lateefa departed leaving us alone. Am sure that was her excuse to give us some privacy.

I was left with  nothing but anticipation and fear gnawing inside me.

"Assalamu Aleykum?" Shahzad spoke after clearing his throat. I responded slowly my heartbeats deafening me.
"I wanted to speak with you, I mean to ask something important." His shaking voice didn't do good to ease my fear.

"I have been thinking about this alot for the past few month. I spoke to Lateefa about it too and I decided it was time to spill it to you." I was more confused and raised my eyes from my hands to his. His eyes held a mix of  emotions and were glistening.

This can't be what I am thinking.

"Allah is the mover of hearts and He the controller of all hearts moved mine towards yours. I..I do like you..." I couldn't hear the rest of the words. I froze as if cold water was poured on me. Oh God! I can't breathe.

"The prophet peace be upon him said there's nothing better for two who love each other than marriage. I want to ask for your hand in marriage. I will not press for an answer now but I will wait as long as it takes you." I didn't know what to answer. Am sure Lateefa must have told him that I got my divorce two month ago through the Kadhi.

He stood and marched away. I was left stunned, shocked and barely breathing. I didn't know how long I was sitting there lost in stance but I jarked when Lateefa placed her hands on my shoulders.

"You knew?" I said accusingly.
"For a month." She responded running her hands up and down my back to calm my nerves but it wasn't working today. My body was set on fire and my breath hitched in my throat. I was close to losing my mind.

"Why would he like me? I have nothing to offer." I rubbed the lone tear that escaped its cage.

" You have everything to offer dear. Don't speak that way. I would advise you to give yourself time to think about this. I consider you my child. I would love to see you giving happiness chance and settling down. Shahzad is a nice guy, he won't disappoint you."

"I know." I said refering to the nice guy part. That's why I thought he deserved better.

"That time when you told me about him liking some girl, was it me?" God it was hard to believe that Shahzad liked me.

"Yeah, it was you. You have been on his mind for long." This was too much to digest.

I didn't know what to feel. To many emotions were bubbling inside me and I couldn't name one.

Dear Allah,
What's happening in my life

Do I have the ability to be someone's wife

Marriage comes with responsibilities

Love will I be able to give

Or with heartbreak your beautiful creation I will leave


Assalam aleykum? I hope you are doing great.

Now that am  on holiday, I will take my time to update more on a regular basis.

This work is unedited so kindly point out the mistakes and bear with me since English is neither my first nor second language!


ith love, SBI❤️


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