Chapter 28

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Be ready nouri, am taking you somewhere. I stared at the text, my lips pulling up into a smile. I took a quick shower and dressed in Abaya.
I applied moisturizer and lip balm.
I was satisfied with my look then decided to spice it up with mascara and eyeliner.

I heard the door opening then Shahzad slipped in all dressed from his work.

"My wife looks so beautiful." He smiled before pecking my forhead.
I lowered my eyes under his thirsty lustful eyes, blush colouring my face.
"You make me want to change my plans so I can keep you in my arms for the night." He winked and I hit his arm.

I slipped down the mirror gazing at the sky while breeze fanned my face.
Nights were really beautiful. Shahzad started playing Quran by my favorite reciter making the moment more beautiful. He stopped the car and helped me into my wheelchair.

He stood behind me pushing me in my wheelchair and we entered into a park. The park was dark, the faint light coming from the moon. We sat at the end of the park only surrounded by tall mahogany trees.

"This is my favorite place. I use to come here years back when medical school became so overwhelming. It was my calming haven." I listened to him as I star gazed.

"It is beautiful." I told him staring at the moon.

"Do you love it?" He asked, his eyes hovering mine trying to read my mind.

"Who wouldn't?" It was serene with the trees swaying against the breeze.

"Then its time I show you your surprise." Shahzad stood up, dusting his back from the dried grass. He walked us out of the park and stopped infront of the park.

He digged something out of his back pocket and placed a bunch of keys in my palm. I stared back at him confused while he gave me a toothy grin.

"So I have been saving money all this years and Alhamdulilah I was finally able to buy us our own house. I bought the house right opposite this park for us." My eyes welled up with tears of hapiness and gratitude. I tugged Shahzad down by his hand making him to crouch to my level and embraced him tightly.

"Am so happy, Alhamdulilah. You never fail to make me happy ya Zawji." I praised making him to smile.
"I love you." I told him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Anything for my wife. If I had the power to buy all the happiness of the world for you,I would." He continued to give my wheelchair a push upto the door of the house. He unlocked the door and my eyes roamed around the magnificent place.

The house was furnished from the drawing room to the kitchen to the two bedrooms. The drawing room had a small tv, a coffee table at the centre and a black sofa set. The kitchen had a fridge, an oven and few dishes. Then there was the guest room with a lone bed and our room that had dressing mirror and a huge bed.

"When would you want us to move in?" He asked holding my hand in his as he drew circles on my palm.

"When do you love to move in? What about mom?" I asked feeling anxious that my mother in law wouldn't like it .

"I told mom and she's fine with it." He told me reading my worries.
"We would move in this weekend insha'Allah." He pecked my forehead and adjusted my scarf that was slipping from my head.

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