Meeting the Girls

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~~ The next Morning ~~ 

~~ Sophia's POV ~~ 

I wake up to the sound of Cumbia music playing downstairs and walk downstairs.

I look at my dad dancing, hand on his stomach, hips moving, "Como la floooorrr!!" as he sings along to Selena. I chuckle a bit and sit down on the stool by the counter. He turns around while dancing, "Ah shit!" He jumps back a little, "You startled me... Wait... how long were you there?"

"A while..." I say smiling, "Nice dance moves by the way."

"Thank you," He says as nods, he then looks at me, "So you are deciding to talk now?"

"To be honest," I sigh, "Yeah, I feel safe around you. I don't talk to people or at any place I don't feel safe," I say looking down.

"Hey hey hey," He says placing his hand under my chin, so I can look at him, "I am glad you feel safe around me, that's what I want, how about this; We have a type of word that lets me know you don't feel safe, like if you're at a friends house you text me this word and it's just pretty self-explanatory," He says as he turns down the music.

"So, like a safe word?" 

He nods, "yeah, something like that." 


"Yeah! Dandelions! You say dandelions and if someone ever comes up to you and says that I am in trouble and they will take you to me, they have to say Dandelions, then you know it is safe okay? So this word will be only for us no one else okay? Unless we need to contact each other in an emergency, so you have to tell the person the safe word."

"Deal, but promise me one thing."

"What?" he looks over at me as he places some dishes in the sink.

"Please don't ever die on me, I know you are my dad and I just met you but you have shown me that you care so much more than anyone ever has in such a short period of time; even your family and the guys."

"We do care and they are your family too, including my band members," He says smiling.

"Thank you," I smile.

"No need to thank me, now eat up! We got to meet the guys and their girlfriends in a bit,"He places a plate of pancakes in front of me then he turns up the music again and starts singing and dancing once again.

I smile and eat the pancakes. My dad is extremely weird.

~~ Time skiiipppppp ~~ 

~~ At the mall ~~

~~ Vic's POV ~~ 

"Yo homes where you be?" I say as I talk to Mike on the phone, Sophia chuckles a bit, I guess she never had family like us. I still want to know about her past life, but I know it is too soon.

"In the mall, where you be, ese?"

"In the mall as well."

"Meet us at the front entrance."

"Which Juan?" I say looking around

Mike busts up laughing, "The one by Target."

"Homes that's the back entrance, get your entrances right!" I say hanging up. Sophia laughs, "What's so funny huh?" I say as I tickle her as she walks in front of me.


"Okay, okay. This way, Princess," I said leading her the way to the back entrance not the front entrance like Mike said it was. Smh.

"There's my niece!" Mike says engulfing Sophia in a hug, "I want you to meet my beautiful girlfriend, beautiful girlfriend meet my beautiful niece."

~~ Sophia's POV ~~

Mike's girlfriend laughs, "I'm Alysha, It's very nice to meet you, Sophia. Mike hasn't stopped talking about you," She says smiling.

"Nice too meet you too," I say smiling.

"Can I hug you? or is that too weird?

I shake my head, "not weird at all." 

She smiles and hugs me, "Welcome to the family, I am here for you if you ever need anything. Even if it includes girl advice because these guys are bad at it," She says as she looks at me smiling.

"Thank you," I smile

"There they are!" Tony says with two girls and Jaime behind him. Tony comes up to me and hugs me, then looks at one of the girls, "Sophia, this is Erin, my girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you," I smile

She walks up to me, "Nice to meet you too." She pulls me into a hug then let's go, "You're gorgeous, hon, Don't let anyone tell you-you're not," I smile at her and nod. She was just like Tony, a bit shy and quiet but really super nice.

"And this is my girlfriend Jessica!" Jaime says holding hands with a girl.

"Hi, Sophia! It's nice to meet you!" Jessica says shaking my hand. She was just like Jaime, hyper and always had a smile on.

"Nice to meet you too," I smile at her

"You know what we are all family. Can I give you a hug?" She asks

"Of course," I smile and she hugs me then let's go after a couple of seconds.

"Girls, I told her that we would be there for her for girl advice because we all know how bad the boys are with advice," Alysha says smiling

"Good thing you told her!" Jessica says laughing.

"We're not that bad with advice," Mike groans

"Do I need to give you an example?" Alysha says glaring at Mike

"No," he whispers, Alysha laughs and kisses him on the cheek.

"So what's the plan?" Jaime asks

"Well, we were hoping to get some stuff for her room, to paint it. Then we can all go shop for some clothes for her," My dad says

"Okay, you boys go get the room stuff. Send us pictures of things you see we'll show them to Sophia to see if she likes them. If we see anything that Sophia likes-"

"You buy it and I'll pay you back," My dad says interrupting Erin.

"No need to pay us back. It's the least we could do! We are all in this together," She says smiling.

"Thank you guys," My dad says smiling

"So me and the girls will take Miss Sophia clothes shopping, while you boys get paint and stuff," Jessica says

"Alright!" My dad says, "Be careful and Soph, Remember what we talked about," He winks at me and I smile and nod.

So far I am loving this family. I hope to stay with them forever, they are so generous!

15k views?! Whaaaaaa!?! Love you guys so much! Sorry I took long. I hope to update more often now that I am in summer vacation! :)


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