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~~ Sophia's POV ~~

I waved to my dad and his girlfriend as they walked away to their cab. I seriously couldn't believe everything that was going on in front of my eyes. My father falling in love with a woman who has nothing in common with him. 

My dad looks over to my direction, "I'll call you when we land." He yells loud enough so I can hear. He then turns around, I give them a slight smile but it felt like my heart was being torn apart, my father is blinded by love.

I hear Jessica sigh behind me as she looks towards my dads' direction. Jaime had left an hour ago, he had an early flight than my dad and Daniella did.

"She's a bitch." I blurt out making Jessica laugh a little. 

She then stays silent for a little bit, "I can't argue with that." 

We watch the cab drive off "Woo!" I say, "I'm not the only one!" I walk inside the house. 

"Do you want to talk about why you don't like her in particular?" she asks as she walks inside as well and closes the door. 

"Well let's see." I turn around, "First of all, she is so self-centered and stubborn to listen to anyone else's opinion. Second, it's obvious she hates me and she is out to get me. Like last night, you could totally tell she wanted my dad to say no to me going back to tour with them. Lastly, I think my dad can do better." 

"What do you like about her?" Jessica asks 

"She's pretty... but I can be saying that because I'm jealous of her beauty." I look at Jessica and she nods. 

"You have nothing to be jealous of, sweetheart." Jessica smiles, "I wish I had better advice to give you but I don't know. You're beautiful in your own way. Now I have to go to the store and I'll be back." She says she grabs her keys and then leaves the house. 

I didn't have any advice to give myself at the moment either. But then who gives themselves advice? 


No one. 



~A Month Later~ 

~~ Sophia's POV ~~

Remember those voices that I heard in my mind but they weren't my voice? They were from a different person, a person I know I have met before because their voice sounds so familiar I just can never pinpoint where I heard it before, yeah well... They're getting worse. 

Sometimes they're sweet and telling me that they are there for me or that I am the best person in the world.

Other times... other times they just tell me to die already because I'm causing so much pain to the family. 

I honestly didn't know what to do, it was like the voices inside of my mind were bipolar. 

"Sophia, want to go to the store with me?" Jessica asks as she walks down the stairs

"To get what?" I ask as I get up off the couch and make my way towards where she stood. 

"I have to restock the kitchen since Jaime will be home tonight." She says smiling 

That's right the tour has ended which means that my dad is going to come home and I am pretty sure his preppy girlfriend is moving in. 

"Sure!" I say, "I'm up for an adventure." I say grabbing my phone 

She smiles, "Great." we both walk out of the house and into her grey honda civic. 

"I've been meaning to ask you a question," I say as she pulls out of the driveway. 

"Ask away, I might have an answer." I shake my head at her comment as I laugh 

"Since the tour ended and well the boys are coming home and we all know that Danielle will be moving into my house now... I was wondering if I can stay at your house with you and Jaime for a couple of nights?" She sighs, "Look I will give you guys tonight to yourselves since I know you guys have been waiting to get your freak on." 

"Oh my gosh." She says laughing

"But after a few days in a home with Danielle... I don't think I can handle her for so long." 

"Look, you are always welcome to our house but that doesn't mean you can hide out there because the girl you don't like is now going to live with you so you have to deal with her 24/7" 

"I feel like there is a 'however' coming," I say 

She nods, "However, I can have Jaime talk to your father-" 

"I don't want my dad involved with me and his girlfriend's disagreements." 

"Well it's his girlfriends, he's involved whether he likes or not or whether you like it or not." She sighs, "What I'm trying to get at is that maybe you can spend the weekends at our house so it could be something to look forward to... something that pushes you to get through the week... get me?" She quickly glances at me then back at the road. 

"I get you... I like your idea better." I smile, "Good thing it isn't the weekend so you and Jaime can get your freak on all night long." 

Jessica busts out into a fit of laughter, "Right." 

I open my mouth in a shocked kind of way, "Someones getting lucky tonight!" I say laughing

But like all things, laughter only lasts for so long. 

I look over at Jessica, it all happened so fast, a truck that did not slow down, I knew it could be seen in my eyes because in a split second Jessica is turning to the direction I was looking at instead of me; then there were screams. I wasn't sure if it was from me or her... maybe it was from both of us. My heart was beating uncontrollably. 

Stay With Us the voices inside my head said.

Everything in my head was spiraling, my vision turned black as these scenes played in my head, someone else's memories. Who knew that one small adventure to the store would turn out to be a misadventure. 

I'm Your Father... (A Vic Fuentes Daughter Story)Where stories live. Discover now