I love you

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~Vic's POV~ 

"Alright goodnight you guys thanks for coming," I say as I walk my parents out. We had just finished eating and talking, thankfully no one bombarded Sophia with questions instead they talked and she just listened.  

"You'll be a great dad," My dad says giving me a hug

"Thanks pop," I say as I hugged him back.

He lets go and gets in the car. I wave goodbye and walk back inside. 

"Okay, so tomorrow you will meet our girlfriends got it?" Jaime says to Sophia. She just nods; He smiles and hugs her, he then walks to me.

"Alright man I'll see you tomorrow," He says giving me a man hug.

"Alright, We are actually going to the mall tomorrow so I'll text you when we are there," I say.

"Sounds great," He says when he leaves. 

"How did you like everyone?" I ask and wait for Sophia to finish writing, I wanted to know why she wouldn't speak but I also wanted to give her time to be comfortable and tell me on her own.

Never felt so loved. She writes

"Is that a good thing?" I ask and she nods

"Okay how about we watch a movie then?" I ask she nods, "Go pick it out, the movies are under the T.V. and  I'll make some popcorn." 

She walks to the living while I go to the kitchen and make popcorn. I put it in a bowl and walk to the living room. 

She hands me the movie Despicable Me, I put it in the DVD player and sit on the couch. She sits next to me. 

I laugh throughout the movie. When it ends I look at my daughter who his laying her head on my lap, peacefully asleep, I pick her up bridal style and take her upstairs to her room. She is pretty light and short, I guess she gets that from me. I place her on her bed and kiss her forehead. 

"I promise to never leave you," I say as I get up and I turn off the light. I look back into the room, "I love you," I say  

I was about to close the door when I hear, "I love you too, Vic." 

I smile and close the door. I walk into my room with tears in my eyes. I heard her voice, It may be the only time I hear it but I was glad it was that. 

I'm Your Father... (A Vic Fuentes Daughter Story)Where stories live. Discover now