Adapting to Everything

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~~ Sophia's POV ~~ 

After we went shopping, everyone except the girls, who had to get ready for work the next day, went to the house to help fix my room.

Jaime and I are currently painting black chalk paint onto the smooth wall that has age within years, I am memorized at the small print on the far corner of the wall, markings of a young child who once lived here before. I smile at someone else's memories in the home I soon hope to have memories of my own. Good ones, I hope, I sigh and paint over the markings of a pen with my paintbrush; I felt as if I was wiping someone's memory away on my own. Seemed a bit selfish, I turn around to see Vic and Tony painting the other walls. 

"Hey, do you want the closet the same color or a different color?" Mike asks looking at me as he walks out of the closet. 

I smile, "The same color if you don't mind." 

He smiles and nods, "Don't mind at all," He grabs a can of paint and walks back into the closet. 

"You know your grandpa paints houses," Vic says as he stands next to me and begins painting the wall I am painting. He paints the top, I paint the bottom; Well, he attempts to paint the top. Jaime helps him at times by grabbing a chair for him. 

"Really?" I ask. 

"Yup! wrote the song 'Million Dollar Houses' about him and grandma." He looks down at me and smiles, "He would have helped us paint but he had to work." 

I thought about the song as the lyrics played in my mind, It made sense, I finish the last of the bottom half of the walls. I stand up on the plastic covering my carpet and look at the room surrounding me. 

"All done?" Jaime asks 

"Yup," I put my paintbrush down and sit in the middle of the room. 

"It takes a few days for it to dry up, so when it dries up you can splatter the neon and then we will take out this carpet for a carpet of your choice if you want," Vic says looking at me.

I sigh and nod.

"I heard that sigh," Tony says as he finishes up painting his side of the wall. 

"I don't like that sigh," Jaime says as he looks at Vic.

Vic looks at the boys then me, "Is everything okay, hon?" 

"I just," I stop and look around the room and think of the times I wished someone who could at least be nice to me once a day. That someone is my mother, but one day I find out about my father and he gives me everything I want and cares so much for me. It's different and it makes me so emotional that someone, more than just someone, people actually care for me and here I am cutting myself because I feel like a worthless piece of shit. I must have been thinking for a while because a hand waving in front of me catches me out of my thoughts. 

"Hun, you okay? You kind of..." Vic trailed off

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry," I say looking down. 

"You guys done painting the walls?" Vic asks the boys.

"Yeah," Jaime and Tony say . 

"We're going to go get dinner," Jaime says as Tony walks out of the room, "Pizza okay?" 

"I want tacos!" Mike yells from the closet, I chuckle at his random comment. 

"Too bad! We're getting pizza!" Tony yells from outside the room.

"I like the one with nacho cheese and the pretzel crust," I say.

"Little Caesars?" Jaime asks and I nod, "I'll make sure to get that for you then," He smiles and leaves the room. 

"Get me some tacos!" Mike yells, "Ahh, he's not gonna get me tacos.."

Vic and I laugh at Mike, Vic looks at me and slowly his face begins to get serious. He sits right next to me, criss-cross-applesauce is the way we called, the way Vic is sitting in, kindergarten. Also known as sitting Indian style. 

Mike comes out and sits next to us as well, "Family situation?" He asks and Vic nods. 

"You were saying something," Vic says looking at me.

"I-I just feel so loved. It means a lot to me that you guys are buying me all this stuff and fixing up the room to my exact liking. It's just that I am worried you guys will get tired of me asking for this and that, that you will not want me or you guys will stop caring," I look down as I finish.

I hear Mike sigh and he lifts my chin so I am looking at him, "Sweetie, you know that will never happen." 

"Yeah, we never will stop wanting you or even stop caring for you," Vic says as I look at him, "When I got the call that I had a daughter, I was so happy that you were alive and well, your mother told me she aborted you and it made me angry that I never got to have the child I always wanted and I am sorry for not being there when you needed me the most in your life but I am here now and I am going to try to make it up to you in any way possible." 

"Even by buying you all kinds of stuff and spoiling the shit out of you," Mike smiles at me as I look at him. 

Tears begin to form in my eyes as I listen to the words that Vic and Mike were saying to me.

"Thank you, Vic and Mike... It's just gonna take some time for me to get used to it I guess," Vic smiles as well as Mike.

"Good now let's go downstairs and play video-games or anything you want to do," Vic says as he stands up. 

"And I'm gonna finish the closet up," Mike gets up and walks back to the closet. I swear he's like in love with that closet.

Me and Vic walk down the stairs, "You know you can call me dad," Vic blurts out as I reach the bottom of the stairs. 

I look at him and smile, "Okay, dad," It gave me a weird good feeling saying dad. I have been longing to call him dad or to even have a dad. It's something that I have to adapt to, as well as Adapting to everything else as well. 


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