Movies and School?

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~~ Sophia's POV ~~

"PIZZA!!!" Jaime yells as he enters the house, "And tacos for Mike..."

"Tacos!!" Mike runs and grabs the tacos from Jaime.

"Is it always like this here?" I ask my dad as I walk into the kitchen.

He smiles, "yup!"

"Pretzel crust pizza for the young lady!" Jaime says as he hands me a plate with pizza on it.

"Thank you, sir," I smile.

"Don't eat it just yet, we are gonna eat in the living room so go ahead and pick a movie," Tony says

"Alrighty," I grab my plate and leave to the living room I look at the t.v., "Umm where are the movies exactly?"

Jaime laughs and runs into the living room, "here you go," He says as he opens the drawer full of movies.

"Thanks," I smile and start looking around.

I grab the movie Frozen and place it by the DVD player.

"Did you pick a movie?" My dad asks as he sits on the couch, setting his plate of food on the coffee table.

"Yup... I uh don't know how to use the DVD player so um I left it on top," I say sitting down next to him

"Mike, will you do the honor and please put the movie in?" Dad asks as he puts an arm around me and I put my feet on the couch, feeling safe and comfortable.

Mike walks to the DVD player and picks up the DVD, "Frozen? Really? You couldn't have picked Harry Potter?"

I shake my head, "I was gonna pick Star Wars but I basically know the whole movie by memory and I've never watched Frozen!"

"Star Wars?" Tony sits down on the recliner.

"This child is like you," Mike says pointing to Tony.

"You like Star Wars?!" Tony looks at me and I nod, "That's my girl!" He smiles and begins eating.

The movie begins playing, "Wait for me!!" Jaime says and sits at the end of the couch placing my feet on his lap.


"Hi! My name is Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Olaf said in the movie

"Awww I wanna hug you Olaf! You are so adorable I can just squish you!" I say giggling.

The boys laugh, "Vic, you better watch out for Olaf," Jaime says.

"I'll meet you in the alley, Olaf," Dad says as he nods to the t.v.


"Oh, Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you."

"Asshole!" Mike yells

I sniffle, "Why you gotta be so ruuuddee??" I say in a singing tone.

~~ Vic's POV ~~

When the movie finishes I look down at my daughter fast asleep in my arms, I smile to myself.

"Guys, look," I say to the guys, they look over at my direction.

"We'll clean up, you go ahead and take her to bed," Jaime says smiling as he picks up the plates. I pick up Sophia, bridal style and take her to my bed. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead. I walk off to leave but she grabs a hold of my arm.

"Dad, don't leave, please?" She looks at me.

I smile, "Okay," I get in the bed and put my arms around her, protecting her. I kiss her forehead once again, "Goodnight, Darling."

"Goodnight, Dad," I smile, glad that she is comfortable with me.

~~ Sophia's POV ~~

I wake up as I roll over and find that I was in an empty bed. I look at the clock and it read 11:00 a.m. Damn I can sleep.

I got up and walked downstairs.

"Good-morning, Hon!" Tony says as he kisses my forehead when i reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning," I yawn and walk to the kitchen where I find my father filling out some papers.

"Good-morning, Mija!" He smiles, "You hungry??"

I shake my head no, "What are you filling out?" I ask

"Papers for your school," He looks at me


"Yup, you will be starting your freshman year and school starts soon," He smiles

"Oh uhh okay... How far away is it?" I ask.

"It's only like 15 minutes walking, So, like a mile maybe more."

"Can't I be home-schooled? Like wouldn't it be easier for you guys, right?"

"It would but I think you should make friends. If it doesn't work out then I will consider homeschooling you, but until then let's just give this a try okay, hon?" I nod. I seriously don't want to go to school, my heart began to beat fast at the thought of being the new girl again. People staring at me while I am at the lunch line, I don't think I can do this.

"I'm gonna listen to the music you guys bought me," I say as I leave the kitchen and walking upstairs to my room. I put in the Of Mice and Men CD into the laptop and begin to listen, they actually are really good. I smile and keep listening to the songs as they fill into my ears. Listening to the words that I didn't know would save me in the future.


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