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I’m at the hospital’s counter to pay the bills. After I recieved my change I decided to buy some foods for my mom, she’s been watching for Szhen for hours I'm sure she is already hungry, I’m already hungry too; I forget to eat lunch. I will also get some fruits for Szhen so she could eat up nutritious food to restore his energy back.

As I'm about to exit the hospital and walk to the nearest food station to get some foods, I notice a very familiar car. That car belongs to Wayde’s family, hindi ako pwedeng magkamali, sa kanila ’yan. I can clearly remember her grand parents car that her grand mother used to take him away from me.

Why they are even here? I thought they already exit the country? Kailan pa sila bumalik o nakabalik? What are they up to? Are they spying on us? I know this is a public space and anyone is allowed to come here but I really don’t know also why this questions immediately emerge in my head. I maybe being so paranoid right now but I’m really nervous at this point. I think something is not right.

I decided to just order some foods online and wait for the delivery. I rush back to Szhen’s room as quick as I can.

“Oh anak? What's wrong? Nagmamadali ka yata?” bungad ni mama sa akin as I enter the room.

I look at her and steal a gaze in her back as I notice someone’s presence there, the old women with a pink suit who’s sitting at the couch caught my attention. She unbotherly look at me.

“Ah anak, may bisita ka nga pala.” my mom introduce her as confusion imprints in my face.

“What are you doing here?” I directly ask.

“What am I doing here? Ganyan ba ang asal na dapat mong ipakita sa lola ng ex mo, Azhtrielle?” she sneers and a smile form on her lips.

Kahit noon pa ay ayaw ko na talaga sa kanya, I always felt like she has evil plans to ruin us, to ruin me. I always get intimidate everytime she is around, I’m just not comfortable with her and this gut feeling and instincts never failed me. She doesn't like me too for her grandson, Wayde. I will not be surprise if one day she will announce that she wanted me to stay away from her son again as we keep on having contacts and communications this days.

“Should I repeat the same question po ba?” I’m literally stopping myself from shaking. I don’t know why I am feeling this nervousness right now.

“Easy, I’m here to check on you, iha. I haven’t saw you or heard from you for years. My feet brings me here as I saw Wayde earlier at this hospital, galing sya sa room na ito if I’m not mistaken? Coinncidently, I always attend my monthly check up here. Kaya I told my apo to wait for me sa labas.” she explained.

“Thank you for checking out po, everything is fine. You can now leave.” I’m still trying to show some respect.

“Iha, I know everything. If you think you can hide this forever, then you’re wrong. I know that kid belongs to my grandson.” she claimed and look at Szhen who’s still asleep.

“What are you talking about ma'am?” I ask as I'm trying to control my temper.

“You can’t deny that fact, I have evidences and I know everything at the first place, even when you and my grandson are still together I know you are already carrying that baby in your womb.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, ma’am. That child doesn’t belong to Wayde.”

“I know you are aware that I don’t like you for my grandson but I won’t let you hide everything from him. He has the right to know about this. That is his child and I assure you, my grandson will get the things that belongs to him”

“He can’t get any closer from my daughter, he will never be. This child doesn’t belong to him and I assure you also ma'am he can never intrude to the life of this kid” I stand firm as I utter those words.

“Let’s see, I will use all of my connection to let my grandson have his daughter.” she warns

“Good luck then.” 

She stand and head her way to the door, she finally exit the room.

If she thinks she can scare me away and get my daughter away from me then she’s wrong. I will do everything to protect my daughter from them.

I rush to get my phone and dial Xy’s number.


[Oh Azh, what’s up?] I heard Xy’s voice sa kabilang linya and a loud background music too.

“Where are you? Are you busy?”

[I’m at the bar with Dos, we’re just having fun. Why tho? You need me?]

“Nah, you’re busy I guess. Enjoy!” I was about to end the call when she speak again.

[Where are you know?]

“At the hospital”

[Hospital? What happened? Text me the address, I’m on my way!] She ended the call after she said that.

I text her the address. I know she will behave like this, she always do, everytime she thinks I needed her. Maasahan ko talaga si Xy at Alli, they are always on my side. Kaya nilang patigilin ang oras at iwan ang lahat ng ginagawa nila for me. They never fail me, kaya mahal na mahal ko sila. I always have their back and I will be forever grateful to have them.

At this point, I really need someone at my back to make me remain standing until the end. I will never feel ashamed to honestly tell that I’m still here not just because I’m strong to conquer everyting. I’m here because I have those people who make me keep striving, who motivates me and help stand up everytime I fall on the ground. Those helping hands will always be so much appreciated.

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