Chapter 8: Family Feuds

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Week 7

Ruby's POV

It was so obvious Charlie was pregnant but I knew she was scared. It had been nearly two months since Brax had left and she was still grieving. I understood her not wanting a baby, but to get rid of it was something I couldn't accept. I had been up half of the night with her 'morning' sickness and I knew it wasn't about the end. "Charlie I'm calling Sid, something isn't right!" I told her. Fine, if that's they way you want to play it, go right ahead, push me away Charlie, but you're not going to be able to do this on your own!" I stormed out, taking the car keys and driving as far away as I could. I knew she needed some time alone, some time to think and time to prioritises and decide what was right. I decided to head up north. Driving for most of the night I had reached Casey's by dawn and knocked on the front door of the Braxton's beach house.

"Little's 4.30am, what are you doing here?" Heath opened the front door, looking tired.

"I'm sorry, I just needed to see Casey" I apologised before being let in. I ran quickly to Casey's room and woke him up suddenly.

"Ruby...RUBY? What are you doing here?" Casey jumped up out of bed and hugged me.

"I'm sorry...I needed to see you. Charlie and I are fighting and I just needed you" I burst into tears.

"Oh Ruby, calm down, tell me what happened?" Casey hugged me and pulled me back into bed with him.

"Maybe later...right now I need to sleep, I've been driving all night" I cuddled up to him and tried to doze off.

"Hey, Ruby...Ruby...your phone's ringing" Casey woke me up. I looked at the time before jumping out of bed. 11am!

"It'll be Charlie!" I grabbed the phone and tried to come up with a lie.

"Ruby where are you? I woke up and you were gone!" Charlie was fretting.

"I went for a drive and left early this morning to study at the library all day. I might be back tonight...sorry for not telling you, but you were sick and I was angry at you" I was honest about the angry part.

"I know you're angry and I'm sorry I snapped at you last night, but I'm scared Ruby and I just ...I just don't know what to do" She was crying.

"Charlie, listen to me, you're strong and you can do this and I'm going to be there ever step of the way. Now calm down and rest. I'll talk to you tonight" I tried to reassure her.

"Ok, I love you"

"Love you too" I hung up and sighed, looking at Casey who was concerned.

"What was all that about? Why are you and Charlie fighting?" He asked, rubbing my arm, comforting me.

"If I tell you something can you promise me that you won't tell anyone, not even Brax! He can't know about this!" I replied sternly. He nodded, confused. "Charlie's pregnant." I said softly, watching Case's facial expression change. "Its not confirmed by a doctor yet, but she is definitely pregnant" I sighed.

"And it's definitely Brax's?" Casey asked, still in shock.

"Well who else would be the father? My mum may be a lot of things, but she doesn't sleep around!" I scoffed.

"Brax needs to know" Casey told me seriously.

"He can't! If he finds out he'll want to come back to town and all of you river boys are dead meat! Hammer has well and truly taken over town. Charlie may be a cop, but she can't protect herself plus you and your brothers from Hammer and his gang" I explained to Casey.

"Ruby, Brax is going to be a father...he has the right to at least know about it!" Casey stood up, raising his voice.

"You can't tell him! Charlie doesn't even know if she is going to keep the baby!" I tried to rationalise with him.

"This is crazy" Casey stormed out of the room and into the kitchen. "Brax there is something I have to tell you" Casey walked out to talk to Brax.

"Casey...oh Ruby, when did you show up?" Brax smiled at me warmly.

"Brax, Charlie..."

"Charlie is a bit sick at the moment" I butted in to stop Casey from spilling the beans. Casey shot me a filthy stare. "So I decided to leave her to rest and get better...but its nothing too serious." I added with a smile before hugging Casey. "I'm doing this for you" I whispered in his ear, hoping he would understand why this secret needed to be kept between us.

"Oh ok, well I hope she gets better" Brax brushed it off like he didn't care at all. "You want some breakfast...or lunch I should say" He chuckled, looking at the time.

"That would be good" I replied before looking up at Casey who was looking at me with his signature sulky look upon his face. Soon came the time later in the afternoon it was time to head back to Summer Bay and talk to Charlie.

"I don't like the idea of you driving 5 hours home after you have only just gotten over driving 5 hours here" Casey was concerned for me which was adorable.

"Seriously, Case, I'll be fine" I giggled, kissing him gently.

"No, I'm going to drive your car home and Brax can follow us and drive me back" Casey was trying to convince me.

"No Casey it's fine" I insisted.

"Rubes, listen to the man" Brax chuckled.

"Fine" I gave in to the brothers. Casey smiled before kissing me. I slept most of the drive back, only waking up when Casey pulled over for petrol and a bit of food. We soon reached Yabbie Creek and I decided now would be a good time to say goodbye to Casey and Brax before we reached Summer Bay. "Thanks for everything" I hugged them both.

"I was thinking maybe I could stop in for a minute and see Charlie, cause she's sick and all ay" Brax looked away, like he was embarrassed. I knew he still had feelings for Charlie, but if they seen each other at the moment I knew all hell would break loose and I couldn't do that to Charlie, knowing the state she was in.

"Probably not a good idea, she's probably still resting" I made up an excuse.

"Oh, ok...well keep me updated on how she's doing" Brax looked disappointed as he walked back towards his car.

"Ring me if anything happens with Charlie" Casey hugged me tightly before kissing my forehead. "I know why you're doing this and I love you for it, but once this gets out both and Brax and Charlie are going to be hurting...and I don't want to see him like that" Casey sighed.

"I know, but its for the best" I sighed, reaching up and kissing his lips one last time. "I love you"

"Love you get outta here" He chuckled, smacking my bum lightly and pushing me towards my car, leaving me giggling. I got home 10 minutes later only to find Charlie in the kitchen with Leah, eating cake batter.

"I was hungry" she seen the look on my face and explained. "How was study?" She asked, hugging me.

" was good. Can we talk for a minute?" I took her hand and dragged her into the bedroom. "I understand that because of Brax you don't want this baby, but I just think...what if you didn't want me, what would have happened if you had gotten me aborted?" I was trying to hold back tears.

"Oh Ruby, sweetheart" She hugged me tightly. "I love you so much, I know I never got the chance to raise you like a real mother, but I have always loved you and I want to raise this baby, properly. But it'll need its big sister there as well" Charlie smiled through tears. I broke away from the hug before smiling and hugging her again. The thought of having a little brother or sister to look after excited me. All I wanted was a proper family again.

"Ruby, don't! I don't need your help or anyone else's!" She screamed at me, bursting into tears. She was truly an emotional mess. I knew hormones were part of her problem, but she needed to see a Doctor and confirm everything.

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