Chapter 10: Working mum

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Charlie's POV

I don't think it's a good idea to take time off right now I sat down on the chair in front of him. I'm going to need all the time off I can get within the next few months.

And why is that? He asked confused.

I'm pregnant I revealed.

Pregnant?" Inspector Joyce's eyes nearly popped out of his skull.

"Yes, I'm about 8 weeks. I'm going to continue working until I feel its time to take maternity leave" I explained.

"And would this pregnancy have anything to do with the relationship with Darryl Braxton that you alerted me to a few months ago?" He asked, knowingly.

"Yes" I looked him straight in the eye and nodded. He shook his head in disappointment.

"You're a good police officer Sergeant Buckton, and so was your father. If he could see you now, I don't know if he'd be more disappointed in you than I am" He continued shaking his head.

"I don't mean to be rude inspector, but my relationship with Darryl Braxton never got in the way of my career as a police officer and I will not let this pregnancy get in the way of it either" I replied sternly. I could not believe he brought up my dead father and how he would feel about this!

"Charlie, I've seen women with good husbands try to continue working as a police officer while with doesn't work!" He explained.

"So you're saying that because I don't have a partner and because my baby's father is known to associate with criminals, I won't be able to do my job? Well I'm sorry inspector but I plan to prove you wrong!" I stormed out and back to the car where Ruby was waiting for me. "Just take me home" I could feel another panic attack coming on and I needed to get out of there.

Ruby's POV

Charlie got in the car looking angrier than ever. "Just take me home" He breathing was getting heavier as she tried to take a deep breath. Charlie...calm down. Breath for me" I tried to settle her. This wasn't good for the baby and she had never had any anxiety or stress problems in the past.

"Please, just take me home" She burst into tears, as she continued having a panic attack. We soon reach home only for Leah to start fussing over Charlie in the kitchen.

"Ruby what happened?" Leah asked me, not getting a word out of Charlie as we walked her to her bedroom.

"I'm pregnant Leah...its all real, and my boss just told me I can't work and be pregnant at the same time" Charlie shook her head sitting on the bed and wiping away her tears.

"Charlie...not working for a bit is not the end of the world. It'll do you some good and just think of the life you are bringing into this world" Leah smiled, taking Charlie hand and rubbing it gently. Charlie nodded before hugging her. I looked at the friends sticking by each other before leaving the room smiling. I knew Charlie could do this, she was going to be a great mum, and well she already was a great mum. I decided to take a walk along the beach and thought now was a better time than ever to ring Casey and tell him all the hectic news of today.

"Hey babe, how you doing?" His friendly voice answered the phone as I sat down on the sand, looking out at the waves, expecting to see him there.

"Today has been exhausting" I sighed a reply.

"Why? What's happening down there? How's Charlie doing?" He asked concerned.

"Well first she collapsed at work, in front of Hammer! Of all people him! And then she got taken to hospital and she started having a panic attack and then the Doctors did some tests and found out she is definitely pregnant, 8 weeks along. I got to hear the baby's was amazing little brother or sister, it's heat beating away in Charlie's body" I explain in amazement.

"So why did she have a panic attack?" Casey asked.

"No idea! I think it's the fact that Brax is gone and she thinks she all alone again. I keep trying to tell her everything will be alright, but she just doesn't want to hear it. Even her boss said being pregnant and being a police officer couldn't work, so then she came out of the station crying which brought on another panic attack! I'm just so worried about her and the baby. I wish you were here to hug me and tell me it would all be ok" I felt a few tears streak my cheeks.

"Aww Rubes, it is going to be alright. Soon enough me and the boys will be able to come back to the bay and you can hug me when ever you want" He sighed, before going silent for a few moments. "Ruby, it's getting really hard to keep this all from Brax. He really does have the right to know" Casey explained.

"You can't tell him! Charlie can do this without him! She's got me and everyone else, she doesn't need the extra stress of Brax coming back to town" I replied frustrated. "She's not coping as it is Case...I think seeing Brax might just set her off and she'll lose the baby" I sighed. That was my biggest fear, Charlie losing this baby, my little brother or sister. All I wanted was a sibling that I could teach how to ride a bike or how to read, but I also wanted Charlie to be ok.

"Ok, fine. But just keep me updated...I promise I won't tell Brax, but I think he is really missing Charlie" Casey explained.

"I know, but they need to be apart for a little while. Its good for them, you'll see. Anyway I should go back and see if Charlie's alright. I love you, I'll call you some time next week" We said our goodbyes before hanging up. I walked back to the house, thinking a lot. I know this decision to keep the baby was Charlie's, but I had influenced her a lot and pressured her a lot. She didn't need to be pressured. She just needed someone there for her. "Charlie?" I walked into her bedroom to find her looking in the full-length mirror at her flat stomach. " don't have to keep this baby if you don't want to. I'll understand" I walked over to her. She stopped and smiled at me.

"Ruby, both you and I are going to prove to the world that we can do this! We are going to prove that I can be a working mum and you can be an awesome big sister!" Charlie chuckled before hugging me. I just laughed and hugged her back.

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