Chapter 22: Need to talk

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Week 19

Charlie's POV

Ruby and I hadn't really talked for a week. I was still furious about all this and I didn't know how to deal with Brax being back. "I'm going to meet Casey at the beach...I'll be back later" Ruby said as she went to leave the house. I nodded as we met eyes. She looked at me sadly before walking out. I felt bad for what was going on but I couldn't believe every one had lied to me. I hadn't talked to Brax since our confrontation at Angelo's but I knew we needed to talk about this. I still had things to say to him. Walking to his front door was difficult, even more difficult when Heath opened the door. Sergeant Buckton wow, packing on the pounds hay?" He smirked.

Shut up and get out of here!" a voice came from behind and a news paper hit across Heath's head before he pushed past me and out the door, only leaving Brax standing there. "Hey" He said awkwardly. He couldn't stop staring at my bump, he probably thought I was starting to look like a disgusting big blob.

"I think we need to talk" I nodded.

" you want to go for a walk?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

"Just because the rest of the town know I'm pregnant doesn't mean they know who the father is...and I'd rather not reveal that right now" I told him seriously.

"Ok then, lets go for a drive...I know a spot, nice and secluded" He smiled before grabbing his car keys and leading me to his black ute, where many passionate kisses and moments had been spent in the past. Silence blanketed the car as we drove out of town to a secluded beach on the other side of the headlands. "So no one is here to see us. What do you want to talk about?" He asked, stopping the car and looking at me.

"I'm furious that you and Ruby lied to me..."

"How do you think I feel, both Ruby and Casey lied to me also" He butted in, defending himself. "We are both in the same boat here Charlie, we both got lied to and they did it to protect us"

"I know, but I don't want this...our baby born into a world full of lies. I want to live a life of honesty and I know I don't want the town to find out what happened with us, but eventually they are going to and I'm ready to accept that when the time comes" I replied calmly.

"Our baby...sounds nice doesn't it" He smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back as I leaned back into the seat and rubbed my tummy. "I was being honest last week when I said you were looking good. You look beautiful and I just can't believe we...did that" He nodded at my stomach.

"I wanted to tell you so much, but I knew you wouldn't answer my calls. I missed you" I nodded. "I wanted you to be here for me, I wanted this baby to have a father"

"I missed you too" He leaned across and stroked my face. "Charlie I love you and I want to support you through this. I want to be a father, a better father than my own" He smiled. I suddenly felt a soft gently movement in my belly before looking at it and smiling. "What's wrong?" He asked worried.

"Nothing" I grabbed his hand and placed it on my bump, letting him feel the baby move for the first time.

"Wow" He put both hands on it and smiled before placing an ear to my stomach.

"It can't talk yet!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"But if it did I think I know what it would be saying" He smirked.

"And what would that be?" I giggled at that smirk I had missed so much.

"I think it would be agreeing when I say that I want to be with you again and be the father this baby deserves" He smiled. I placed both my hands on his cheeks before leaning in and kissing his lips gently. I broke away and smiled at him. "Now let's go for a walk" He smirked, getting out of the car before opened the door and taking my hand. We both took off our shoes and started walking along the beach hand in hand. "So how much of this baby's life have I missed out on?" He asked.

"19 weeks...the only time we didn't use protection was the day before you left...funny that" I chuckled, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving for good. I knew what you would have done and I couldn't let anything happen to you" He looked at me sadly.

"I know you were only trying to protect me and I'm sorry for over-reacting. I just missed you and I wanted you to be here for me...for us" I replied, cradling my bump.

"I'm here now and I'm not leaving" He cupped one of my cheeks in his hand and kissed my lips gently. He broke away and placed his forehead against mine as we stared into each others eyes.

"Was there anyone else while I was gone?" I asked, worried he had found someone else to replace me.

"No...never. I couldn't stop thinking about you for the whole time" He smiled pecking my lips softly, wrapping his arms around my waist.

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