Chapter 25: Brax 1, Charlie 0

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Charlie's POV

Charlie we can go if you want? Bianca was still trying to convince me to leave. No...I'm fine" I nodded, trying to convince myself.

"So are you guys ready to order?" Brax walked over to us, Jess standing behind him.

"Look, I'm going to go...Casey has a lot of school work to catch up on and I'm going to help him" Ruby got up and hugged me before taking Casey's hand and leaving. I didn't want them getting caught in this huge mess and I hated that they had been involved in the first place.

"Yeah actually, I'll get the carbonara and an orange juice" I looked into his gorgeous eyes and tried not to get too wrapped up in them.

"I'll just get the ravioli and a glass of the house red" Bianca nodded.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" I couldn't help myself. I had to know what was going on with this 'Jess' girl. Brax smirked before shaking his head.

"Jess this is Charlie. Charlie, this is my friend Jess, from Coffs Harbour" He smirked, knowing he was getting on my nerves.

"Charlie...I've heard a lot about you. Congratulations by the way" She smiled and nodded at my stomach.

"Thanks...I'm sure you're boyfriend is going to make a great father" I nodded and looked at Brax who was shaking his head and looking at me angrily.

"Oh no...Brax is just a friend" She laughed before they both walked off.

" 'Oh no...Brax is just a friend'" I imitated her giggle as soon as they were an earshot away. "If that's the way they want to play it then fine...see if I care. He was the one that lied in the first place" I nodded confidently at Bianca.

"Charlie you are allowed to be annoyed and upset by this. He is the father of your baby...its natural to feel jealous and threatened by her" Bianca explained. I'm not jealous...I'm fine" I brushed it off as a waiter served our drinks. Soon enough our food arrived and we tucked in while continuing to talk. So I'm thinking you, me, a girls night at my place. April is staying at Dex's place and Irene can get involved if she wants. We can eat lots of junk food, watch romantic movies all the fun stuff Bianca suggested with a smile. Sounds good! I agreed with her idea and got set planning.

Later that day

Just wait til you get won't be able to paint your toenails" Irene laughed as I tried to lean over my small bump, painting my nails.

"That will be a sight to see" Bianca also laughed as we were sitting in the living room, wearing our pyjamas, talking and giggling away. I was leant back in the sofa with my feet up on the coffee table munching on some chocolate when I felt the baby start to move.

"Feel this!" I pulled up the shirt I was wearing, revealing my bump. Both Bianca and Irene placed their hands on my stomach and looked at me wide eyed.

"That's some kicking baby you got going there" Bianca laughed as we heard a knock on the front door. Irene got up and opened it only to find Brax standing there.

"I...ah...I just wanted to talk to Charlie" He looked at me and noticed Bianca feeling my bare bump. "Ruby told me you were here." He said seriously before I had the chance to ask the question as to why he knew where I was. I nodded and looked at Bianca before pulling my shirt down and getting up to follow him out to the front porch of Irene's house.

"What are you doing here?" I asked crossing my hands over my chest. He stood there, silent for a few moments.

"That's my shirt you're wearing." He noticed. He had left it at my house and it was now really comfortable to wear to bed, now that my bump was bigger.

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