Chapter 35: Nursery Surprise

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Charlie's POV

The baby shower was now only one week away and Bianca and I hardly had a chance to talk about things lately. She had been spending a lot of time with Heath Braxton and I knew that they would be back together in no time. I decided to head over to the Braxton residents to see if Bianca was around because we really needed to talk about this baby shower. I knocked on the door, one hand cradling my bump. "Charlie? What are you doing here?" A very shirtless and shocked Brax opened the door. I came to see if Bianca was here why are you covered in paint?" I asked curiously, spotting a few patches on his chest.

Oh...its nothing. Bianca's not here right now actually" He started before I heard a familiar laugh coming from inside.

"Well why can I hear her inside your house?" I asked confused.

"Charlie?" the voice opened the door only to reveal Bianca and Heath both covered in paint.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"Well Heath is moving out so I'm helping them paint the spare room for a ...boarder" Bianca spat out quickly.

"Um ok...can I come in?" I asked again.

"No...paint fumes are bad for the baby...or so I've heard" Brax placed his hands on my waist.

"Hmm...ok. Well Bianca we really need to talk about....mmm" I got distracted by Brax kissing me rather suddenly. "mmm" I groaned before breaking away and looking into his gorgeous eyes. "What was that for?" I asked smiling up at him. Cause I wanted to" He smirked, leaning in and pecking my lips. Ok well. I'm gonna go" I blushed, rather hypnotised as I he continued smirking at me. Damn it, he had made me lose my train of thought including needing to talk to Bianca.

Brax's POV

I watched as Charlie looked all bubbly as she walked away from me. That was waaaaaaay too close Bianca shook her head as we headed inside. I know" I sighed in frustration. We all walked into the bedroom to continue painting. "We are never going to finish this if you two don't keep your hands off each other" I shouted as I continued to paint the room a pale creamy colour. A'right, calm down sweetheart...we're only have a bit of fun daddy-o" Heath chuckled before picking up his roller and started painting. Do you think she's going to like it?" I asked Bianca, feeling a bit insecure about this whole idea. Brax, she's going to love it. Its going to be the best baby shower gift ever" Bianca reassured me.

Charlie's POV

Something weird was definitely going on with Brax and Bianca and it was starting to get me worried. I need to know what they were planning. I hated it when people kept things from me. I walked into the house only to find Ruby and Casey sitting on the sofa watching a movie. Hey you two I groaned, walking in and flopping down in the armchair next to them. You look exhausted" Ruby commented.

"I am...physically and emotionally. Brax and Bianca are up to two wouldn't have any idea as to what it is would you?" I asked curiously.

"Oh would you look at the time...3 0'clock, high tide is in, time for a surf" Casey looked at Ruby before getting up and heading towards the door.

"Ah two know something! Tell me!" I replied frustrated.

"Charlie...we're not allowed" Ruby sighed.

"Last time you two kept something from me, it turned out Brax had gone away and I was alone and pregnant!" I yelled before bursting into tears.

"Oh god" Casey muttered before grabbing his phone out.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Ruby asked him, trying to comfort me. Yep calling Brax now he replied putting the phone to his ear. Hey Bro yeah we have a bit of a problem over here at the Buckton residence I think you should come over.

Brax's POV

What's going on? I asked into the phone quickly as concerns about Charlie started to cross my mind. Its nothing serious, just a hormonal, pregnancy emotional breakdown" He replied.

"How bad?" I asked, still worried.

"Well she's not having a panic attack but I think you should get over here and talk to her" He sighed over the phone as I could hear Charlie crying emotionally in the background.

"I'll be right over" I hung up the phone, put on a shirt and headed over as quickly as I could. I walked in to find Charlie sitting in the living room sniffling as Ruby held her. She looked up and seen me before bursting into tears. "Its alright, you two can go now...I've got her" I told them as I walked over to her and watched Ruby and Case leave. "Hey...Charlie, what's going on? What's with the tears?" I asked, crouching down and wiping them away from under her eyes.

"You're keeping stuff from me again Brax...everyone is, you, Bianca, Casey, Ruby...what's going on? What are you keeping from me?" She shouted me.

"Ok, Ok, calm down" I looked at her concerned. "I can't tell you...I'm sorry" I shook my head.

"This is unbelievable...we said no more secrets, no more lies" She got up off the armchair and stormed off into her bedroom.

"Charlie...wait!" I followed her in. "Its nothing's a surprise, for you...but its not done yet, so you gotta trust me on this" I took her hands in mine and smiled at her. She nodded back and sniffled back a few tears.

"So you're not going away or anything like that?" She asked slowly.

"Never am I leaving you again" I pulled her into a hug before kissing her forehead.

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