Chapter 18: Hospitals and homecomings

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Charlie's POV

I walked out of the room and looked at my daughter sitting there sadly. He's dead I nodded. She stood up and looked at me. I had been sitting here for a couple of hours, in a way hoping that he would make it through. "Charlie he isn't getting any better" Doctor, Sid Walker checked over his charts. I know" I listened to the heart monitor as it started to get slower and slower. Suddenly the only sound that was emitted through out the room was a long constant beep. He was gone.

Charlie?" Ruby's voice broke me away from the thoughts of what had just happened. "Charlie, will you please get checked out by a doctor!" Ruby insisted. "But first, please wash all that blood off your hands" She led me to the bathroom. I looked at the red smears all over my hands, Hammer's blood on my hands. I turned on the tap, still looking at my stained hands before violently trying to scrub it off. "Charlie...calm down" Ruby tried to comfort me as I scrubbed and scrubbed at them.

"It's" I said in frustration. I could feel my breathing getting deeper and started to panic.

"Charlie, your hands are turned red raw...I think its all off" She turned the tap off as I tried to calm my breathing. "Charlie...look at me. You need to calm down" She placed a hand on my shoulder and led me out of the bathroom into the corridor. "Sid...she's having a panic attack" Ruby called over Sid who helped me into an examination room and onto a bed.

"'s racing so fast" I held my chest and looked at Sid in fear.

"Charlie, I'm going to give you a sedative to calm you down" He stuck on some gloves before leaving the room for a few moments to get the drug. "Ok, Charlie, can you breath in and out, slowly for me?" Sid injected me with the needle.

Ruby's POV

I watched as Charlie's breathing calmed after a while and she relaxed a bit. Is she going to be ok? I asked Sid, worried. Your mum has been through quite a lot today, so I'm going to give her an examination and check to see if the baby is ok and we'll see. But she should be ok" He nodded as he checked over her vital signs and did the usual check up. This had really hit Charlie hard and I had no idea why.

"Charlie...did Hammer say something to you before he died?" I asked curiously.

"He told me some stuff about growing up and Jake and Brax...he was so vulnerable. I couldn't just leave him Ruby...he may have kidnapped me, but I couldn't do that. You didn't see the look of fear in his eye when he looked at his wound" She shook her head, closing her eyes, trying to erase it from her mind. "I know all the training they give you in the force is meant to prepare you for this but I wasn't" She continued before Sid walked in with the ultrasound trolley.

"Well, everything looks good. The heart beat is strong and the little fella is moving around in there quite nicely. If you relax you might even be able to feel it" Sid smiled.

"'s a boy?" I asked surprised.

"Just a figure of speech...I can't even tell" He chuckled, turning the machine off.

"I'll give you something to calm you down so you get some sleep tonight Charlie, but yeah, you're right to go...would you like me to give you the number of a councillor or anything? You went through a tough situation for a woman in your current condition" Sid looked concerned.

"No, I'll be fine. Thanks Doctor Walker" She got off the bed and nodded. After being discharged we got home only to find Leah fretting over food in the kitchen.

"Oh Charlie...are you alright? The baby alright?" She asked, hugging Charlie gently.

"Yeah I'm fine..."

"I cooked up your favourite for dinner, take a seat, you must be hungry" Leah suggested.

"Thanks Leah, that's so nice, but I'm really tired. Sid gave me something to help me sleep. Sorry you went to so much trouble" Charlie mumbled before heading to her room.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I followed her in.

"Yeah I am...I'm just going to take a shower and go to bed" She nodded, not even looking me in the eye. Charlie...I love you, and I'm so glad you're ok" I hugged her. Sweetie, I love you too. I'm sorry for giving you a fright today" She whispered, kissing my hairline before I pulled away and left her to it. I'm going for a walk...I'll be back for dinner" I told Leah as I left through the back door. I had a very important phone call to make.

Brax's POV

Heath had just gotten home from work as I was getting ready for a night shift at the club. "Babe, do you have to go?" Jess sighed as she pouted, sitting in an armchair in the living room.I've got to make a living" I smiled, leaning down and kissing her lips gently.

"Will you two knock it off?" Heath yelled out, grabbing a beer from the fridge. Casey was out on the balcony talking to Ruby on the phone when he suddenly ran back in.

"Hammer...he's dead" He said in shock.

"Finally the little bastard got what he deserved!" Heath laughed, sitting on the sofa.

"Who's Hammer?" Jess asked confused.

"Is that true? You're not messing with me Case?" I ignored her and looked at him wide eyed.

"Ruby just told me. Hammer tried to kill Charlie, but the police got to him first" Casey explained, trying to hold his excitement in. "We can finally go home Brax!" He smiled. Almost 4 months since we left and I was just starting to get my life together here.

"Yeah...home" I mumbled, running my hands through my hair.

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