Chapter 12: Moving on

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Week 14

Brax's POV

Casey, will you pick up your shit from the floor! I'm sick of picking up after you. I'm not your mother!" I yelled out to my youngest brother who was in his room playing x-box. All right. All right. He came out and picked up some clothes and school books from the living room floor.

Now, do you reckon you could do a load of washing while I nick up to work?" I sounded whining but to be honest I was so sick of picking up after both Heath and Casey. Heath was hardly ever home but had found some contract work brick laying and at the moment Casey had a casual after school job delivering pizza. I seriously don't know how mum did it, raising 3 boys. I know I practically raised Casey, but still, it mustn't have been easy for her, especially after dad went to prison, only getting out to leave us. I had been working as a bar manager at the local golf course which was hard work, but I enjoyed the social side of it.

"What time you finish tonight?" Casey asked, opening the fridge to see if there was anything for him to eat tonight.

"Not sure...we've got a wedding on tonight so I should be out by 1, but could be work number is on the fridge if you need anything and Heath should be home soon" I looked at my watch.

"Yes boss" Casey replied sarcastically as he saluted me.

"'ve got that English exam tomorrow so study up and get a good nights sleep. I'll see you in the morning" I told him sternly, finishing buttoning up my white work shirt.

"You're going to make a great dad" He mumbled before rolling his eyes. I jumped in my ute and headed up towards the golf course only to find that the people on day shift hadn't stocked the fridges.

"Oi, Danny...why hasn't this been done? This should have been done this morning! Now when the guests ask for a specialty beer, its not going to be cold! Good one genius!" I wacked one of my co-workers over the head before going out the back and picking up a case of Heineken.

"What time are guests arriving?" Danny asked as he came out and helped me.

"Bout an hour. The kitchen staff have started on entrees, the Bride specifically requested a French Chardonnay as their toasting wine, please tell me that came in this mornings delivery?" I started to get flustered with all this preparing.

"Check boss...two cases of ...I'm not even going to try to pronounce it" he chuckled, setting it at the bottom of the fridge. An hour soon passed and guests had started to pile in along with the bride and groom. They looked so happy together, so normal and in love. It made me think of Charlie and how they had everything, her and I could never have. What I wouldn't give to turn back time and change my life around in anticipation to meeting her. I had been trying to get over her for the past 3 months, but she was still always there in the back of my mind. I had had a few flings but nothing that I could commit to. To be honest Charlie was the first woman that I could see myself completely and wholly commit to. It may not have started that way, but as we grew to talk and see each other my feelings grew and she really had turned out to be the one girl I would do anything for, even if that meant leaving town to protect her. I'd often wondered if she was with another guy now, moving on and trying to forget about the huge mistake she made, getting it on with me. She made it look pretty easy when she broke up with me and told her boss about our relationship, but I wondered if she wanted me back or her sex life.

"Hey there handsome, do you think you can get me a VB?" a voice brought me back to reality. I looked into the big blue eyes that belonged to the voice asking me for a beer.

"Ah, yeah sure" I shook my head before pouring her a schooner.

"They look perfect don't they?" She stated, noticing me staring at the bride and groom.

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