Chapter 36: Daddy revealed

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Week 30

Charlie's POV

Wakey. Wakey Ruby burst into my bedroom before she realised I had a visitor. Oh will you two stop it." She groaned at Brax and I kissing in bed. Um don't you have a restaurant to set up for a baby shower? She questioned him before he smiled at me, pecking my lips once more. I'm on it" He replied, getting out of bed and finding his shirt. "I'll see you both later on" He replied before kissing me and putting his shirt on.

"And remember, no public displays of affection today...we don't want Colleen on your case" Ruby chuckled before jumping on my bed. "So have you decided what you're wearing today?" Ruby grinned.

"A dress I suppose" I chuckled back.

"Knock, Knock...I come bearing gifts" Bianca barged in. "I also may have just seen a certain Braxton leaving" She smirked.

"There was no sex, if you're interested...we talked and cuddled and had some intense make out sessions" I giggled, sitting up.

"Too much information" Ruby held her hands over her ears. Bianca just laughed before handing over a bag for me.

"You didn't have to buy me anything, you organised my whole baby shower!" I shook my head.

"We have to have you looking hot for this party" She smiled back. I opened the bag and pulled out a blush pink dress that went to just above the knee, with soft frilled short sleeves.

"Awww, Bi its gorgeous! I love it" I hugged her.

"Well go shower and get ready we have a baby shower to attend to in like an hour and a half" Bi looked at her watch before scooting me out of the door and into the bathroom. After I showered I came out to find Bianca had my hair straightener on and was sitting there ready to do my hair. "I love pregnancy hair" She commented as she did it.

"I know...its so full and nice. I am definitely getting pregnant again...just for the hair" I sighed.

"Brax the father again?" Ruby asked.

"Maybe" I smirked before bursting out laughing along with Bianca and Ruby. We soon headed over to Angelo's only to be greeted by Marilyn and Roo.

"Anything I can get you ladies?" Brax came over and asked the table.

"I'd love a Vodka lime soda" I smiled back. Marilyn and Ruby looked at me before I laughed. "I'm kidding" I assured them.

"Just a jug of water for the table, a bottle of the house red for the rest of the table and an orange juice for the heavily pregnant comedian here!" Bianca shook her head and looked at me.

"Ok no problem" Brax chuckled and turned towards the bar. Soon enough Colleen, Irene, April, Leah and Gina arrived, along with Morag who had surprised me and come up from the city for the weekend.

"Its so good to see you!" I rushed up and hugged Morag, trying not to cry. I had missed her, she was like my mother and at the moment I needed her in my life.

"I've missed you too Charlie" She smiled, handing me a gift. "I'm planning to stay until the birth...I want to be here to meet my step-grandchild" She smiled.

"Thank you" I smiled before leading her towards her seat. Bianca eventually started some really lame games as everyone talk about previous pregnancies and experiences.

"I remember when I was pregnant with Hugo...worst labour out of the 3 of them. 38 hours...not very pleasant" Gina commented.

"Oh Lancy was exactly the same...10 pound baby he was...the doctors thought he was twins to begin with" Colleen added her own little story. "What about this baby's father...was he a big baby or don't you know?" I knew exactly what Colleen was insinuating and I wasn't going to let her get to me.

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