Chapter 41: The Perfect Name

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Charlie's POV

"Come on Charlie...just one more push" I looked up at Brax as he smiled at me. He was so proud. I took a deep breath before pushing one more time with my contraction. I could hear a loud cry as I relaxed back onto the pillow. I'd done it; I'd finally done it. After a long 9 months full of smiles and tears and heartbreak, I had given birth to Brax's child and mine. "That's my girl" I felt a set of lips place a kiss on my forehead.

What is it? What is it?" Ruby was so excited to meet her new little sibling. Dr Spencer smiled as she stood up and placed the newborn, crying baby in my arms.

"It's a little girl" She smiled. I looked down at the scrunched up little face as my little girl gripped onto my hospital robes for dear life, screaming her lungs out. I couldn't help but cry as I watched this beautiful sight.

"You did it did it" Ruby sat on the bed next to me and kissed my cheek before looking down at her little sister. "Hello little one...welcome to the world" She gooed. I looked up at Brax as he placed his hands on his head smiling. I could tell he was nervous about what we'd just brought into the world but he was going to be just fine.

"Come here" I whispered to him. He leant down and sat next to me. "I love you" I whimpered, my eyes filling up with tears again.

"I love you too" He whispered back kissing my lips before reaching down and kissing our baby's forehead. "She's amazing Charlie" He shook his head continuing to smile.

"Does Dad want to cut the cord?" Dr Spencer asked, holding a large pair of scissors.

"Um...ok, yeah I suppose ay" Brax looked at me with an awkward smile before standing up and taking the scissors, cutting the umbilical cord, before the doctor quickly clamped it down.

"I'm going to go let Casey and Morag know the good news!" Ruby smiled before rushing out. Both Brax and I couldn't stop looking at the little girl as she calmed down and cuddled into my chest.

"We never really decided on a name did we?" I looked at him with a smile.

"No we didn't...but at the moment I don't care. As long as both you and her are healthy I don't care" He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my hairline. Soon enough our baby was taken off us to get cleaned up, weighed and measured before being put in a crib. We both got wheeled back into our room where we found Morag and Casey waiting.

"Oh Charlie she's gorgeous!" I could tell Morag was crying as she looking into the crib. Ruby was cuddled up to Casey both looking at each other smiling.

"Oi, you two don't get any're too young to be thinking about kids!" Brax warned the teenagers as he picked up the baby from the crib, holding her close to his chest.

"Morag can you please get my camera from my bag?" I asked the red haired woman before she nodded and got it out. I smiled at Brax as he was looking down at the baby, before smiling and kissing the top of her head. I quickly took a photo. He looked up and smiled.

"Am I doing it right?" He asked, not exactly sure of how he was meant to be holding her.

"You're doing it perfectly" I chuckled. He sat down next to me before Ruby took the camera and snapped a family photo.

"So I heard a new addition finally arrived!" A voice surprised us from the hallway as Heath, Bianca and Darcy walked in.

"Oh Charlie, she's gorgeous" Bianca started to well up with tears and Brax handed her over for a cuddle with Aunty Bianca.

"You excited to have a baby cousin Darce?" Brax asked his 8 year old niece who couldn't stop grinning.

"Yep! I can't wait til she's older and we can play lots of games together!" She smiled, looking at the baby in Bianca's arms.

"You are so lucky to be born into such a beautiful family, baby girl" Bianca smiled, continuing to cuddle her.

"I rang mum, she was going to catch the first flight she could down" Heath smiled. "She couldn't wait to see this little tyke!"

"I thought my ears were burning! Nanna Chezza has arrived! I managed to get a noon flight just in time by the looks of it!" Cheryl made her presence aware as she walked in. "Now, let me hold my grandchild!" She held her hands out to Bianca as she passed the baby over. The first thing she did was open the blanket. "Ah another grand daughter...thank god! I don't know how I would deal with another male in the family" She chuckled.

"So have you guys thought of any names yet?" Ruby asked curiously.

"We have some in mind but...I'm not sure yet" I looked up at Brax before answering for the both of us. After about half an hour the baby had been passed around to everyone and I knew it was about time she got a feed. A nurse soon came in and informed all the visitors they had to step outside.

"I think its feeding time for this little one...Did you breast feed with your older one?" She asked after everyone bar Brax had left the room.

"No I didn't really get the chance" I admitted. The nurse helped me move one side of my gown over so the baby could get access to my breast milk. "I don't think I'm doing it right...she doesn't want to take it"

"It'll feel uncomfortable at first but you'll soon get the hang of it. You can switch to a breast pump when you get home" She smiled. "Try to get her to feed for as long as she can at the the looks of it she's a very hungry girl" She commented as the baby finally suckled. The nurse soon left and Brax and I finally had some time to ourselves.

"She really needs a name" Brax commented as he stroked her cheek.

"I have an idea." I remembered something that Brax had said a while back. "Do you remember that night where you got quite intoxicated and snuck into Leah's house through Ruby's bedroom window?" I asked him with a smile.

"Vaguely" He chuckled in response, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You told me that if we were to have a boy you wanted to name him Josh and you'd teach him how to surf and if we had a girl you wanted to name her Zoey and she'd be you're little why not Zoey?" I suggested.

"Zoey sounds good. What about a middle name?" He asked, still smiling.

"I haven't thought that far ahead...I was thinking Bianca?" I chuckled.

"Why don't we ask Ruby?" He suggested. I nodded as I watched him stand up and call Ruby into the room.

"We need a middle name any ideas?" He asked. She sat on the bed smiling at the baby.

"What about Elsie? After Mum" Ruby suggested. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it in the first place. Zoey Elsie was perfect.

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