Chapter 40: Delivery

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Heath's POV

I needed to talk to Brax about something, ask him for advice. I never usually asked him for advice but when it came to Bianca and the thought of asking her to move in with me, I needed his advice. Knock, knock I opened the front door to my old house and let myself in. I heard a loud thump before Charlie's familiar voice coming from the bedroom. Help" I heard her cry before walking into Brax's bedroom, only to find her on all fours, a painful expression on her face.

"Buckton? Oh shit" I looked down at her knowing this baby was coming. "Um...shit! I'll go get Brax" I rushed out of the room.

"No...please don't leave me" She cried out, I walked back in to see her eyes full of tears. "Owww" She groaned as I was guessing another painful contraction shot through her body. "It hurts" She cried.

"Um...I'll just give Brax a call then I'll call an ambulance" I though of something quickly. I stepped outside of the room and found my brothers number on my phone before dialling it. "Heath, what do you want? I'm really busy right now" A tired voice groaned as he picked up.

"Um, mate. I've just come over to your place and your Mrs is in a bit of a pickle...I think she's in labour" I told him.

"Shit...where are Ruby and Casey? There were meant to be with her while I was here?" He was starting to sound angry.

"I've got no idea mate...I'll put you on loudspeaker and you can talk to her. She's in a lot of pain" I walked back into the room, Charlie still crying softly and on all fours.

" you feeling?" Brax's voice echoed through the room.

"How do you think I'm feeling? I am meant to push your baby who is roughly the size of a watermelon through a hole the size of a fucking grape" She cried through the phone.

"Charlie, have your waters broken yet?" He asked her.

"No...just pre-labour contractions. Can you please hurry up and get home. I need you" Tears poured out of her eyes. I turned the phone off loudspeaker and stepped out of the room again.

"Do you want me to call an ambulance?" I asked, confused as to what to do.

"Well her waters haven't broken yet so she still has a long way to go. The Doctor said her labour could take up to 12 hours. So I'll quickly unload this delivery then I'll be right over. Her bags are near the front door if anything goes wrong, but I should be home in half an hour. Get her a cloth soaked in water and place it on her forehead and get some towels just in case. Look after her for me will you?" He explained.

"Yep, sure will bro" I hung up before walking back into Charlie.

"Ok, Brax will be home in around half an hour...he said not to call an ambulance, but I think that choice is up to you" I placed my hand on her back and rubbed it gently.

"No the hospital will only send me home cause my waters haven't broken" She whimpered. "I forgot how much this hurt...I had a caesarean with Ruby, but the contractions were still painful." She continued. I quickly rushed out and got some towels and a wet cloth before helping her sit up.

"Do you want anything else?" I asked, not knowing what to do.

"Can I please hold your hand when contractions come?" She asked me gently.

"Sure" I chuckled, sitting behind her, giving her my hands to grip to when she felt pain.

"I could kill Brax right now" She mumbled, leaning back on me.

"He'll be home soon, don't you worry" I chuckled. Soon enough we heard the front door open and Brax came rushing into the bedroom.

"How far apart are your contractions? What time did it start?" He asked her a whole heap of questions.

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