Chapter 15: Interrogation

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Charlie's POV

"Well well...the rumour Colleen is hopelessly spreading is true" a voice brought our attention to the doorway only to find a fiery, red headed woman standing there.

"Morag? What are you doing here?" I quickly stood up.

"And good day to you too care to explain how you got yourself into this mess?" She nodded towards my small bump and raised her eyebrows at me. Things just went from good to very, very bad. So when were you going to tell me about all this?" Morag walked in and sat in the arm chair next to ruby and I. "I suppose you're step mother would be the last to know?" She smiled sarcastically.

"I was planning to...I just...I've had a lot on my mind at the moment" I stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Like the fact that you're pregnant with Darryl Braxton's baby...really Charlie, I warned you and you should have known better. I've also heard that he's left are you planning on doing this. I'm not going to pick up all the pieces Charlie. You got yourself into this, you get yourself out" Morag said sternly.

"I can do this with out you actually. And I have been for the past 4 months...I am responsible for this baby and I can handle this" I protested.

"Do you remember the last child you had? Care to tell us again how that went?" She continued.

"Excuse me, Charlie has this under have no say I this" Ruby stood up and yelled at Morag before storming out of the house.

"I think you should leave. We'll talk later" I stood up and watched her shake her head and walk out the door. I needed to walk and clear my head. Morag had always been a caring step mother until it came to Brax. She didn't like him one bit and I suppose her laywer instincts had continued to thrive even when Brax was gone.

"Hey Morag was in the diner earlier. Nearly tore Colleen's head off. Was actually quite funny" Bianca ran up to me as I walked along the beach.

"Yeah I know...she came and talked to me. She's not happy...not one bit!" I shook my head. "I've let her down...I've let my colleagues down, I've let myself down. Brax was a huge mistake" I muttered.

" fell in love with him, that's not your fault!" Bianca tried to comfort me. I felt my phone ringing in my pocket before looking at the ID to see it was Watson.

"I've got to take this" I told Bianca before answering the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Charlie...we need to come into the station asap, we've got Hammer in here on a drug charge" Watson rushed on the phone.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in 15" I replied excitedly, hanging up on her. "I've got to go to work...I'll talk to you later" I looked at Bianca's confused face as I rushed back to the house and quickly got changed before heading into Yabbie Creek. "So what's the details?" I asked as soon as I got in the door.

"We got an anonymous call that there was a deal going on at Angelo's and so we did a bust and found 1kg of cocaine on the premises plus a bag of pills in his pocket" Watson got me up to speed.

"I want to be in the interview" I nodded and prepared myself.

"Charlie, you sure that's a good idea?" She asked.

"Yes...I'm bringing him down no matter what!" I stormed into the interrogation room.

"Ahh Sergeant're little pig of a kid is coming along nicely" Hammer tried to sweet talk me as I walked in.

"Quick the jokes and let's get on with this" I sat down as Watson asked the questions.

"So at approximately 4.10pm this afternoon we raided the restaurant you own, only to find a large quantity of cocaine on the premises and a small bag of what seem to be heroine tablets on your you have anything to say about this?" Watson asked as Hammer continued smiling at me.

"I was set up...I'd never seen that cocaine in my life" Hammer was as stupid as he looked.

"Set up by who?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Probably your boyfriend" He looked at me.

"You expect us to believe that Darryl Braxton who hasn't been seen in 4 months, has come back to set you up?" Watson replied.

"Yep" He nodded. "Now, I want my lawyer here before I answer any more questions." Hammer crossed his arms over his chest before sitting back in his chair. Hammer's lawyer was called and we went over the security tapes showing footage of that afternoon at Angelo's, finding evidence that could put Hammer away for a very long time.

"So can to explain why this footage shows you accepting the bag of cocaine off you're dealer and placing it exactly where we found it in your restaurant?" I asked him with a knowing grin, after we showed him the security tape.

"That could have been anyone" He snapped before his lawyer stepped in.

"Are you charging my client or not?" The older balding man asked with raised eyebrows.

"Harmen Pirovic, we are charging you with illegal drug possession. You are not obliged to say or do anything unless you wish to do so, but whatever you say or do may be used in evidence. Do you understand?" Watson read out his rights before receiving a nod from him and getting the officers to escort him to the cell. "The courthouse have a backlog of cases to get through so I'm not sure when bail will be set" Watson said, which comforted me a bit.

"Hopefully he doesn't make bail" I replied bitterly, watching him continue to smile like a psychopath as he got taken into a cell.

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