Chapter 38: Braxton Hicks

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Week 39

Brax's POV

Charlie's due date was only a week away and I was starting to freak out about fatherhood. Not only was I an emotional mess, but Charlie was even more of an emotional mess. "You getting out of bed today?" I asked her. For the past week she had staying camped up in our bedroom, only surfacing to go to the toilet, which was often and to get food, which was even more often. No I'm too fat to leave the house" She grumped. No you're not Charlie!" I tried to reassure her. And she really wasn't. I mean she was bigger than her usual self obviously, but compared to other woman at the birthing classes we had been attended she was tiny.

"Charlie...please for me, get out of bed. You can spend the day at the restaurant with me...that way I can keep an eye on you" I sat down next to her and kissed her neck.

"No Brax, I'm not leaving! My feet are that swollen that I've got cankles, my boobs are lactating like a cows udder and nothing fits!" She yelled at me, trying to hold back tears.

"Were you like this with Ruby?" I asked curiously.

"Shut up!" She grumped, hitting me kind of playfully.

"Seriously, getting out of the house will do you some good. Now come and join me in the shower then we can get ready and head off ay?" I suggested, massaging her hand in mine.

"Fine" She gave me a small smile after a reluctant silence. We headed into the bathroom together and I watched her get undressed and turn the water on.

" you still find me attractive even though I'm like this?" She asked me seriously.

"Charlie, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on and I think the fact that you are bringing our kid into this world is amazing and makes you even more attractive" I replied, hopping into the shower with her.

"Thank you" She whispered hugging me gently, her bare belly pressing against my flat stomach.

Charlie's POV

I hadn't been out of the house in days. I felt like every time I walked outside people were staring at me. Today wasn't any different. I was holding Brax's hand tightly as we walked into the surf club and started heading for the stairs. Hey Charlie, you're looking great. Not long now Indi came up to me smiling. Thanks...yeah I can't wait for this to finally be over. I'll see ya around" I smiled back as Brax and I headed up the stairs. Brax seated me in a booth closest to the bar before getting to work. I could see he loved this place; it was his baby. It was like he had taken it off Angelo's hands and guided it into a new direction. Like he had done to the new reformed river boys. He was going to be an amazing Dad and I could tell he would have such a close bond to this baby.

"G'Day Charlie...haven't seen you around in a while" Sam, one of Brax's best mates came up and sat next to me.

"Yeah...been a tad busy, being pregnant and all" I gave a small chuckle.

"Ok, just as long as you're looking after yourself and my god kid in there" He placed a hand on my bump before heading over to Brax. Brax had already made Sam a god parent after I explained what happen with the Hammer incident, what felt like months and months ago. I still thought about Hammer and some of the stories he had told me about Brax and whether to believe them or not. Brax sounded like a bit of a jerk back in the day, but I suppose people grow up and change.

"Hey, you hungry?" Brax soon came up to me after his mates had left.

"Starving" I groaned, leaning back into the seat, cradling my bump.

"I'll have the chef cook you up something" He gave me a small smirk before dragging out a peck on the lips.

"Oh Mr Braxton, Sergeant Buckton, sorry to disturb you" A very familiar yet irritating voice interrupted my time with my man.

"No worries Colleen, what can I do for ya?" Brax sighed, standing up and facing her. I just smiled as she stood there awkwardly.

"Leah just wanted me to book our staff dinner here for next month" She explained before ravelling on about how no one thought the bowling club was a good place to have their diner staff dinner. After about 10 minutes of non-stop talking she finally parted ways which meant the restaurant was empty before the lunch rush. Apart from the kitchen staff and a few waiters hanging out the back, Brax and I had the floor to ourselves.

"Now I believe before we were rudely interrupted you were in the middle of kissing me" I smiled cheekily at him as he sat down next to me. He sighed before taking my chin in his hand and pressing his lips against mine rather passionately. We broke away and stared at each other.

"I'm going to be honest with you Charlie...I've missed the relationship we had before I left, the sex, the sneeking around, the hidden hand holding" Brax revealed grabbing my hand and holding it.

"But now we're out in the open, no need to hide" I grinned. "But unfortunately there will be no sex for a while after this baby is born...I'm sorry honey, but Doctors orders" I chuckled.

"Ah ya killing me Charlie" Brax groaned, kissing my cheek before standing up to go to the kitchen. "But I wouldn't have it any other way" He whispered before heading into the kitchen. I watched as he walked away before feeling an uncomfortable pain in my stomach.


Brax's POV

Just as I walked into the kitchen I heard Charlie yelling my name. I quickly ran back out only to find her clutching her tummy. "Are you going into labour? I'm not ready for this yet, you're still meant to have another week. My words all came out as a blur. Calm down hun, No its not doesn't feel the same as it did with Ruby. Can you take me to the hospital just to check every thing is ok?" She asked, trying to stand up.

"Yeah of course" I quickly took her hand and lead her down to the car. Soon enough we had arrived at the hospital and were awaiting to see Charlie's doctor.

"So Charlie. Its safe to say you're water hasn't broke and you haven't gone into labour. I'd say it's was just a case of Braxton Hicks" Doctor Spencer explained after examining Charlie.

"So nothing to be worried about?" I asked just to be sure.

"Nothing at all...just try to get plenty of rest and hopefully by this time next week you'll be holding your beautiful baby" the doctor continued before going to leave.

"Thanks Hannah" Charlie smiled before sitting up.

"So Braxton it because you've been hanging around too many Braxton's?" I tried to make a joke with Charlie.

"Oh god...that was so lame" She chuckled. "Now lets go home and try not to freak Ruby out about this hospital visit" She sighed as she took my hand.

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