Chapter 17: Forgive the past

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Charlie's POV

"I'm sorry please don't I'm sorry!" I cried as he gripped my hair and dragged me to the boot of the car. You know Brax and I made a deal before he left. If he sold me Angelo's and left town, I'd leave you and his boys alone...but see that was before you and your copper's got me on drug charges..."

"Its your own stupid fault!" I screamed as he held me down.

"And the thing is...Brax isn't here anymore, so I think it's about time I broke that deal.

"Harmen Pirovic...drop your weapon" A voice over a loud speaker screamed over the sirens that surrounded the car. All the officers including Inspector Joyce got out of the cars with guns pointed at him. Hammer quickly pulled me up, using me as a shield, sticked the knife to my neck. What are you going to do? Shoot me?" He laughed. "If you want to shoot me, you gotta shoot Sergeant Buckton here as well" He continued, pressing the knife further into my throat.

Hammer's grip loosened around me as his arm along with the knife dropped from my throat. I stepped back and watched as he gripped his stomach, blood pooring out. "You won" He smiled. "YOU ALL FUCKING WON!" He screamed gripping his stomach, falling on his knees to the ground.

"Someone call an ambulance" I yelled out, crouching down to look at his wound. He may have kidnapped me and tried to kill me, but I didn't have the heart to watch him die in front of my eyes. Watson stood there in shock behind him, still holding her gun, her hands shaking.

"Constable, put down the gun" Inspector Joyce walked over to her, slowly taking the gun off her and taking her back to the car as her radioed for an ambulance.

"I'm bleeding" Hammer said slowly, his face slowly getting pale as other officers crowded around attempting medical assistance.

"You need to stay calm" I was trying to stay calm myself. He looked up at me with his brown eyes before opening his mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want all this...I just wanted to teach you a lesson. Teach Brax a lesson...him and Jake, they were always the ones getting the girls when we were kids...everyone respected them, and I was just the dumb arse little brother" He revealed as he was losing blood quite quickly. He looked so vulnerable; I couldn't leave him there no matter what he'd done. Tell me more about growing up with Jake and Brax" I tried to keep him alert and responsive as I took his bloody hand and held it.

Hammer's POV

I looked into the tired blue eyes of the woman leaning over me, comforting me. I knew I was going to die...and it was my own entire fault. "Tell me more about growing up with Jake and Brax" She grabbed my hand and asked me to explain about my childhood with my brother and his once best friend. Hey Brax...wanna go riding up at the dirt track?" My 12 year old brother yelled to his best friend as we walked through the streets of Mangrove River.

"Oh yeah, that sounds wicked!" Brax yelled over the front fence of his house. "Let me just get my bike and I'll be right there" He ran into the fibro shed next to the house. Brax soon joined us as we rode down the street, along with his brother Heath who was only 2 years older than me. My brother rode on his BMX bike and Brax and Heath on theirs as I trailed behind on my little push bike that still had training wheels.

"OI HARMEN! Get your scrawny arse here and get your fucking helmet on before I smack ya arse so hard ya nose starts bleeding!" A voice yelled from across the street as I noticed my mum standing on the front porch having a cigarette.

"But mum, Jake doesn't have his on!" I yelled back as Brax and Jake laughed at me.

"Don't you back chat me ya little bastard, get ya helmet on now!" She had that tone in her voice which meant you didn't want to mess with her. I quickly rushed over and put my helmet on before peddling as fast as I could back to Brax, Heath and Jake. I looked up to Jake and Brax, they were always the guys that made everything look cool.

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