Chapter 34: Surprises brewing

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Brax's POV

I could feel something bright burning my eyelids before slowly opening them only to find the sun shining through the window. Errrg I rolled over, noticing Charlie was not in bed. Sitting up I looked around the room as it spun. Why? I groaned, flopping back down.

I thought you might need this" A voice drew my eyes to the door, seeing Charlie standing there still in her nightwear, holding a glass of water and some painkillers. She smiled and got back into bed, giving me the pills and water.

"You are the best" I smiled back, before washing down the pain-killers.

"So why did you get drunk?" She asked me seriously.

"Heath got a call from the custody place and they've said that if he moves out and can prove he can provide for himself they'll give him part time custody of Darcy" I sighed.

"Well isn't that a good thing?" She questioned.

"Yeah, but...I won't know what to do with myself. I've been watching out for him since forever and now he's got a life of his own. I suppose I'm just being stupid." I groaned, sitting back n the headboard.

"No it's not's cute" She smiled, taking my hand in hers and rubbing it gently.

"Cute? Out of all the words you could choose, you chose cute?" I laughed.

"Yep.'re the cutest, sweetest guy ever" She blushed. I caught a glimpse of her cheeks going a tad pink and placed my hand on one.

"You are even cuter" I reached up to place a kiss on her lips.

" still smell like beer and yuck" She pulled away.

"Oh you love it" I chuckled, pulling her close to me. After a nap and a shower at Charlie's I decided to head home. "Oh will you two get off each other?" I opened the door to find Bianca and Heath on the couch making out. They broke away before laughing.

"So how did Charlie take your midnight rendezvous?" Heath laughed.

"It could have gone better" I groaned, showing him the newly formed bruise on my arm.

"Dude, what did she do?" He asked, poking it. I wacked him over the head before walking into the kitchen to get myself a coffee.

"She thought I was an intruder and hit me with her police baton" I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Both Bianca and Heath started laughing hysterically. "Its not funny! It fucking hurt!" I exclaimed.

"What ever bro, sounds hilarious!" Heath continued laughing.

"Gosh I would have paid to seen that!" Bianca giggled also. Don't you two have somewhere to be or something?" I brushed them off. Oh actually we have an open house viewing on a flat a few streets away...come on" Bianca grabbed Heath's hand before dragging him out the door. Now that I was alone it was time to sleep.

That Afternoon

"OI WAKE UP YOU LAZY SHIT!" A loud voice woke me from my slumber. I sat up suddenly on the sofa and looked up to find Heath and Bianca standing above me.

"Fuck off" I groaned.

"No, I've got some news....I've just leased this place we looked at today! I'm moving out brother!" He laughed.

"That's fuck off ay" I flopped back down and attempted to close my eyes.

"Don't sound so happy for me" He replied sarcastically.

"Look, I'm sorry. I am happy for you." I opened my eyes.

"So Brax, what are you going to do with the spare room?" Bianca asked curiously. I don't know...use it for storage maybe. Haven't really thought about it" I shrugged getting off the sofa.

"You can't think of anything that you could use a spare bedroom for?" Bianca smiled at me. I looked at her confused before shaking my head. "Men" She mumbled under her breath. "How about a nursery?" She looked at me knowingly.

"Bianca, you're a genius!" It clicked. Why had I not thought about this? Ask Charlie to move in with me, turn the now spare room into a nursery. "Will you help me?" I asked her quickly, realising I had no idea how to fix a spare room into a nursery.

"Of course...but lets keep it a secret from Charlie. I'll go get colour swatches tomorrow and you can browse the internet for furniture" She chuckled before dragging Heath into his room to start packing up his stuff. This was going to be the best surprise Charlie had ever had!

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