Chapter 13: Small town gossip

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Week 15

Charlie's POV

I had been tossing and turning for the past hour before I got out of bed to get a drink. I walked into the kitchen staring at my tiny pot belly before smiling. "You should be in bed Missy!" Leah was standing over the bench making herself a cup of tea. And so should you!" I laughed, opening the fridge and getting out the milk for her.

"Miles is snoring...poor thing has got a cold and it is driving me crazy" She replied with a laugh. "You want one?" she nodded towards the kettle. I smiled and nodded before grabbing the jar of biscuits out of the cupboard. "So why are you up? Cravings?" Leah asked knowingly.

"Not exactly. I just can't belly is starting to get in the way" I laughed, rubbing my tummy gently.

"Ahh I remember the feeling...still early days though" She took both cups of tea into the living room and we sat at the table. "I actually have just the thing...I think it's in the garage somewhere. I used it when I was pregnant with VJ. It's called a body pillow. The comfiest thing you'll ever sleep with. Now I remember why I never threw it out" She chuckled, taking a sip of her tea.

"I suppose it's better than sleeping alone" I shrugged, wrapping my arms around stomach and looking at it.

"Charlie, I know it's hard right now, but it'll get better. And just think, this baby is going to have one loving Mummy and big sister!" Leah smiled.

"Yeah I suppose so. It's just that Ruby has grown up without a father...I mean, she had Dad so I guess she never knew what it was like, but I just want a father figure in this baby's life. It deserves that much" I nibbled on a biscuit, thinking out loud.

"Think about this Charlie...what type of father would Brax be? He's a river boy; he's mixed up with a lot of stuff. And some of that stuff has put you and Ruby in danger...would you want your baby growing up in that type of environment?" Leah asked seriously.

"Brax practically raised Casey and Casey turned out to actually be a really good kid. We talked about this once...about the future and if he were to ever have kids. He told me that he wouldn't want them growing up in the environment he grew up in. He wanted a better life for his kids and to be honest, I think him not being here is that better life" I shrugged, remember back to when we had that conversation.

"You're baby is so spoilt for having so many people around it that will love it" Leah finished her tea before hopping up. "Come help my find this pillow so we can both get a good night sleep" Leah took my hand and led me out towards the garage. Soon enough the large U shaped pillow was found and I had headed back to bed to get a good night sleep.

"Charlie...Charlie wake up" a voice broke me away from my slumber. I opened my eyes to find the sunlight streaming through my room and Ruby sitting at the end of my bed. "Get up! We're having breakfast at the diner before heading to the hospital" Ruby sounded excited. I was going for an ultrasound, along with a few other tests just to make sure everything was in order.

"Ruby, calm down! Let me have a shower then we'll be on our way" I sat up, peeling myself from the body pillow. Leah was right, best nights sleep I'd ever had! Even better than being cuddled up to Brax. After my shower and finding something that would fit, Ruby and I headed down to the diner for some breakfast.

"How'd you sleep?" Leah asked as soon as I walked in.

"Very good! Thanks for the pillow" I laughed.

"Oh Charlie you are looking wonderful...what can I get you this morning?" Marilyn asked with her usual smile and cheerful voice.

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