It's Okay 1

361 17 4

Uni life is fun but kinda tiring so SOBS SOBS
Anyways hope you enjoy the first part
Warning: Hurt Kaito, Cute Shinichi


Kaito was staring at the moon while sitting at the middle of the rooftop of a building, which was far from the operation site. He just stared at the bright moon and ignored his bloody arms and slightly bloody face.

"I knew you would be here, Kid," a familiar voice called him.

That made him turn his head and he didn't know. He didn't know if he should be surprised or not when he saw the real Kudou Shinichi in front of him.

"How do you know I'm here?" Kaito asked and Kudou just shrugged with a first-aid kit in his left hand. He walked towards Kaito and sat beside him.

Kaito just stared at him when the detective started to take out antiseptic, bandages and threats. He flinched when Kudou tried to open his suit. Kaito moved a little away from Kudou and Kudou moved a bit towards him. He frowned.

"What are you doing?" Kudou looked at him like he was being ridiculous.

"I'm trying to treat your wounds obviously because I know you wouldn't follow us to patch everything up," Kudou then moved to grab his shoulder.

"So, open your suit or I'll open it myself. Besides, I've seen your face countless times during our meetings for the takedown if that was what you worry about," at that Kaito first thought was to give a witty comment like usual but the glare he received from the detective made him follow the request.

Thus, the rooftop was filled with the wind blowing after that. Just both of them on the rooftop with moonlight illuminating them. It was maybe due to the comfortable scene, or maybe due to how gentle Kudou treated his wound, Kaito spit out his deepest secret.

"My name is Kuroba Kaito."


He told everything to the detective. From how his father had been the greatest magician to how he had found the reason of his father's death. Kaito exhaled slowly when he was done with the story. Then, the rooftop went silent again.

"It must be painful for you to go through all that," Kudou told him once he had finished patching up Kaito's wound. The words surprised Kaito though. Suddenly, he pulled Kaito for a hug. He pressed Kaito's head under his chin and hugged him tight. Kaito's eyes widened at the sudden affection.

"Your father must be proud of you, Kuroba-kun. You did well," he whispered to Kaito's ear.

"So it's okay to let them go now. It's just me and you here," and that was enough to break the tears that he had been trying to keep when he had told the detective his story.

Kaito cried, screamed and gripped Kudou's back. Letting go of all his pain and his relief in all of them. He didn't know how the detective made him in that state but one thing for sure, Kudou's words made Kaito trust him. Trust him that Kaito had done great and from now on, he didn't need to suffer anymore.

Kudou rubbed his back and whispered silent comfort for him throughout his breakdown. Not long after that, Kaito pulled out from the hug and felt a little bit hot. He coughed, "I'm sorry for that."

Kudou shook his head with a small smile and pinkish cheek. He then said, "It's fine. Besides, you look better now in my opinion."

Kaito blinked at him for a while before grinning widely.

"You think so?"

Kudou just hummed and both of them laughed. They tried to restrain themselves though just in case to not open their wound again. Suddenly, there was a phone buzzing sound. Kudou quickly excused himself between his laughter and took the phone.

Kaito looked at the detective's annoyed expression. Knowing it was that little scientist was the one calling and scolding Kudou together with his other friends, Kaito smiled. They probably had been worried about Kudou given that he had suddenly disappeared and that thought made Kaito smiled slightly.

"You're lucky to have so many friends who care about you, you know, Kudou?" Kaito blurted out once Kudou had ended the call.

Kudou stared at him for a second before closing his eyes and smiling. He turned his sight towards the city and mumbled, "You're right."

"But you also have friends that care about you, you know," Kudou continued while standing up. Kaito blinked at him and it was probably the confusion on his face that made Kudou explain his words.

"Hakuba-san, Jii-san, Akako-san, your mom. And especially Nakamori-chan. She sounds so nice to me. You probably should tell her the truth. Who knows, maybe she is just waiting for you to tell the truth. Like Ran," Kudou whispered in his last sentence.

"Well, things might go bad but I'm sure she'll accept you," He ended with the softest grin Kaito had seen on the detective's face before Kudou said goodbye to him and left him. Kaito stared at the door for quite a long time and sighed after that. Kaito turned back his focus on the city. It was beautiful and colorful.

He sighed again and said, "He's right," before standing up with a slightly pinkish face and whispered, "But his little grin was cute though."


Next part soon? Who knows
Next Oneshot: It's Okay (2)

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