Cho's betrayal

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Cho's POV

It was one of the practises after Christmas break and I was leaving early with Tracy from the Room of Requirements because well I needed to complete my homework and Tracy didn't want to be left alone back there and well it was awkward near Harry when I had kissed him. I just got so confused with my feelings for both him and Cedric. I know Merlin so stupid. I know for sure that the Black girl likes him for sure. I am so stupid for a Ravenclaw. I just made her believe that Harry likes me and not her. The whole school was betting on this!

Tracy and me were just chatting about classes when suddenly we noticed Goyle was standing near the Infirmary. We naturally ignored him and walked on.

To my surprise Goyle was still following us. We increased our speed and still it looked like Goyle was following us. Maybe he was heading towards the Slytherin common room. But the common room is towards the dungeons.

We quickly reached the common room, but unfortunately Goyle caught up to us before we could enter. Well before I could enter. He just grabbed me and ran the opposite way.

Merlin how strong is he? I thought as I struggled to out of his hold. "Let me go, Goyle!" I shrieked. "Or else I'll tell Professor McGonagall!"

He just grunted. The freaking guy just grunted. He is a troll. I couldn't help but notice that we were heading towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts corridor. Oh my Merlin. He was taking me to Umbridge. "Let me go, please!" I literally begged. I have seen what Umbridge did to Harry. Was she going to torture me?

All too soon I saw Umbridge's pink door. Oh please save me. Goyle knocked on the door and Malfoy opened it. "Make her sit on the chair please." A sweet sickly voice called out. It was then I saw Umbridge sitting on the chair behind her desk and looking expectantly at me.

Once I was seated she started to speak. "Now, Miss Chang, now I'm sure you are an honorable student and no less is expected from you, being in Ravenclaw. But I need answers, Miss Cho. Whatever I'm going to ask you are going to answer truthfully, do you understand?"

"Yes, professor." I replied back, still hoping and praying that she wasn't going to ask me about the DA or something about Harry.

"Are you part of a secret organization, Miss Cho?"

"No, professor." I replied back, as convincingly as possible.

"I will ask you again, is Harry Potter involved with a secret organization?" Umbridge asked, getting up and closer to my face.

"No, professor." I said again, hopefully convincing her to let me go.

"Mr. Malfoy, could you please call Professor Snape for me? It seems Miss Cho is not going to be telling anything." Umbridge asked, getting away from me.

"With pleasure, professor." Malfoy said and exited from the room.

Draco Malfoy's POV

Should I warn Arianna or not? I mean come on, she got Chang. Maybe I would.

I saw Arianna heading towards the Room of Requirements and I immediately called her.

"Psst, Black!"

She looked all around and then finally noticed me. "What? Draco? Why are you calling me? And what's with the surname?"

"If someone saw? I'm not going to ruin my reputation. I wanted to tell you Umbridge's got Chang." I told her, watching her face turn from irritated to worried.

"She's questioning now? I should tell everyone else. Oh my Merlin, I could kiss you for telling me this even if you didn't have to." She said, hugging me and then letting go.

"Family before anyone else. Remember that?" I said before looking around. "Hurry up and go tell everyone. I have to get Snape. I have a feeling it's going to be bad."

"Okay, thanks!" she said before hurrying away.

Now to get Professor Snape.

Arianna's POV

Draco is a savior. I hurried to the Room and knew that I was late. But one question still lingered on my mind, why would Umbridge need Snape?

Professor Snape is a potion master. Umbridge is questioning Cho. Why would Umbridge call for Snape if all she's doing is questioning?

I reached the Room and quickly snuck in. We were practising our patronus for this class again for the people who didn't get it from last class. I saw Harry giving a speech about using your most powerful and the most happiest memory that the person had.
When Harry finished his speech, all the others quickly went to work. I went to Harry and pulled him aside.

"Ari?" Harry questioned. "Why are you pulling me back here?"

"Listen to me. While coming here, I bumped into a couple of Slytherins who were talking about Cho getting called by Umbridge." I said in an urgent tone.

"So?" Harry replied. "Maybe it's for DADA homework."

"She gives reading homework Harry! Which even Ron can finish on his own to be exact! And Cho's a Ravenclaw! She does not need help!" I took a long breath and then spoke again. "Maybe Umbridge's questioning Cho about this."

"Cho would not tell anyone." Harry said, very convincing.

"Harry! Umbridge called Snape to the interrogation as well."

"How do you know all this?" Harry turned on me. "How Ari? Those couple of Slytherins would not say so much!"

"It doesn't matter how!" I shouted. "All that matters is that Cho is with Umbridge!"

"You know what? Why don't you worry about Matt and I'll worry about all this?" I took a step back, not expecting this. Harry had lost his patience. "And why don't you stay out of this whole thing?"

"But.. Harry.. "

"No! Go back to wherever you came from. We do not need you. I don't need you. For God's sake, I don't know why you are in Gryffindor! You should have been in Slytherin, like the rest of your death eater family." Harry finished, his face flushed red.

I had tears in my eyes. Harry just compared me with my family. He just did that. I don't know why I ever liked him.

"Okay, whatever." I said with tears in my eyes. "I won't ever bother you again."

I walked out and just stood there in the side. I just couldn't believe that Harry said that to me. Maybe I am too caring and loving. Maybe I should cut back, you know?

Harry came out with a flushed face and he went around helping people. I focused on Luna. She had wisps coming out of her wand. Then suddenly a rabbit came out of her wand. Everyone began congratulating her when suddenly I heard a thud. Another one. Then I heard a shrill voice. "Bombarda Maxima!"

The wall blasted and those in the front moved back. There was Umbridge standing there and Goyle holding a struggling Cho.

"Capture them all, everyone." Umbridge said in a sweet sickly voice. "Oh and look!" Umbridge said, walking in. "It's all Dumbledore here." She said, picking up the paper with all of our names on it and at the top, with bold, Dumbledore's Army.

We were rounded up and Draco was holding my hand. Very tightly might I add. "Draco." I whispered. "Could you loosen up?" He did, but still dragged me out. On the way I shot Harry a look, who actually looked sorry. Well, screw him.



Another update!

I just realised that I had actually neglected you for a very very long time and so I realised, why not do an update for the people reading the story? Since I'm free and everything.

Love you!

School is gonna start again and I might go AWOL again so I'm doing how many ever updates I possibly can!


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