The Confession

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Arianna's POV

I was in Charms right now. Professor Flitwick was going on and on about some spell and I as usual wasn't paying any attention. Ron and Harry were talking to each other, whereas Hermione, who was sitting next to me, was furiously scribbling down on the parchment. We had this class with the Slytherins. Draco and Blaise were sitting together and Pansy was sitting with Daphne, giggling about something. Though I quite expect it was about Draco. Draco was quite depressed, and I still planned to ask him about it.

I was looking at the window and remembering the good night that me and Blaise had, and the awkward morning.


When I woke up in the morning, I was a little disoriented. I remembered the night before and sat up. I could actually see the room now. Yesterday, I didn't pay attention to it at all. The room was big, and so beautiful! There was a cushioned footstool at the end of the bed and our clothes strewn all over the place. I blushed but stayed up as I was too lazy to get up. Blaise stirred beside me and as I looked at him, he opened his eyes. He smiled, like actually smiled and asked if I was feeling all right.

After sitting around for a few minutes, I got up with the blanket wrapped around me and went to the bathroom. I turned the knob for the shower and made sure the water was just right, before stepping in and just standing there, enjoying the warm water. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and as I leaned back, he started kissing my neck. Wow, that actually made me feel so good and it was actually making me want him.

"Ready for round two?" He asked, while still kissing my neck and fondling my breasts.

"Oh.. Yes!" I cried out when he sucked on my neck and blew on it.

He turned me around and started playing with my n.ipples, and after a while, he used his mouth to suck on one, one hand on my bum, and one hand supporting me, while both my hands were holding his hair and pulling on it, finding nothing else to hold on to.

You can only imagine what happened next.

As I was daydreaming, Hermione suddenly tapped me on the back, and I came back to class. She gestured for me to pay attention, but I couldn't! After having mind-blowing sex, who can learn Charms?

I felt someone throw a paper ball at my head as I was actually beginning to listen. I picked up the paper and after making sure Hermione was paying attention to the lesson, did I open up the paper.

It read,

Dear Belle,

I can now honestly say that I rocked your world and I sure hope that I proved my worth ;) . Anyway, I was wondering whether you would like to hang out with your Slytherin friends, maybe? Pansy is dying to talk to you again, and maybe you can question Draco?

With all the excitement,
Blaise Zabini.
(Or maybe Merlin)

I blushed and looked at Blaise and nodded. He seemed very pleased and whispered something to Draco, who looked at me and smiled. Albeit a very faint smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Blaise whispering to Pansy, who in turn told Daphne and Astoria, who both whisper squealed and looked at me with a beaming smile.

I smiled back and them and turned to look at Hermione, who was looked at me sadly. "What?" I whispered.

"Nothing." She said and returned to writing.

As soon as the bell rang, I ditched Hermione, giving her a quick wave and joined Blaise, who quickly hugged me, and behind me, Pansy moaned. "Aww, what the hell, you forgot us?" She said, gesturing to her and Daphne.
"Course not!" I let go of Blaise, and hugged them both. "Do you know what's going on with Draco?"

Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now