Meeting Voldemort

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4.77K reads! Wow I'm stunned. Thank you so much!

Without further ado, read on!
Oh, by the way, I'm trying out something new, it's called chapter goals.

So guys, you have given me 4.77K reads on the while book, but the last five to six chapters have hardly crossed 70 reads. So for this chapter, I want 100 reads and 10 votes! The votes need not be completed but the reads have to be done.

Bonus long chapter if the votes get completed as well!




Arianna's POV

After we apparated out of there, we landed in Malfoy Manor. As soon as we reached, I went to Snape, who was standing there.

"What is wrong with you?" I screamed, hitting him, not that it hurt him, I was sure of it. "I was doing it!"

Behind me, Bellatrix sneered. "You should have let the girl do it, she would have brought honor to the family after what Sirius and Regulas did!"

"What's done is done," Dawlish said. "Best not to keep the Dark Lord waiting."

I was stunned. "The Dark Lord-" I began. "Is he inside?"

"Most probably!" Bellatrix said, very gleefully.

I was gripped with fear. The man, who had killed thousands, he was waiting inside. I looked at Draco with fear. He was staring at me, looking at me. He walked over to me, and hugged me tightly.

"Nothing is going to happen to you," He whispered in my ear. "I would make sure of it."

I nodded and after a while he let go, everyone else had started walking towards the Manor. As we reached the entrance, they were waiting for us.

"Come on," Dawlish said. "Dark Lord's waiting for us."

We all walked inside and I couldn't help but marvel at the interior. It was completely furnished with marble and my black boots made a sound with every step, scaring me with every step I took. It's funny, I wasn't this scared even when I was going to Dumbledore!

We reached a double door and I felt that my heart was going to come out of my chest. Just crossing this door, that vile person was there, probably killing more. If Dumbledore hadn't told me to do this, i would have ran away from this 0lace like my life depended on it.

As Bellatrix opened the door, everyone bowed. I followed suit, naturally. I didn't want to be dead before I had completed my mission. As a precaution, Dumbledore had thought it best that I had learnt Occumency, to protect my mind from Voldemort. Draco hadn't learnt it, as Dumbledore didn't want to include him in the mission.

I felt like I was walking in the dragon's mouth without a sword.

As I bowed, I could hear the snake slithering. I knew that the snake was Nagini, Molly had informed me when I had accepted the mission. Molly, how were the others? They hadn't known that Dumbledore was to die, they would probably think that I had done it, with my sense of mind.

I shook the thoughts from my head, and kept bowing. Then I heard footsteps. We rose when a voice said to.

As we rose, I got my first look of Voldemort. My God. He looked evil. With a bald head, slits for a nose, and teeth so sharpened, he looked like Death. Apt name, as he brought Death to those unfortunate.

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