The Trap and The Proposal

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Arianna's POV

I just hope that Hermione has got the idea. Earlier in the year, Ron had told me about Grawp, Hagrid's half brother. Hopefully Umbridge is scared of giants. Hopefully.

Umbridge pushed me, Harry and Mione out the door and Mione told her that the weapon is hidden in the Forbidden Forest. Thank God she got it, and it was looking like Harry was getting an idea as well.

We were pushed in front of Umbridge and her wand was poking me at the back. Harry pulled me to walk at his pace.

"You okay?" He whispered.


We reached the place where Grawp was supposed to be tied up. All we found was a long piece of rope. He escaped. Oh my sweet Merlin. All three of us looked at each other. What are we going to do?

Umbridge looked at all of us and said, "Well? Where's this so called weapon?"

"Well -" I started.

"The weapon never existed, did it?" Umbridge sneered. "Fooled me, all of you. I'll male sure all of you get less than credible scores for your OWL'S!" She shouted at the end.

Hermione and Me both gasped and rushed to defend. "But Professor!" Mione started. "This is unfair-" I started shouted. "We worked hard for that!" Me and Mione ended together.

"Ha!" Umbridge sneered. If I could punch her, just once.

Suddenly we heard the sound of hooves. Horses? Do horses exist here?

"What are those?" I asked Mione, who was standing closer to me.

"I'm not sure, but I think they are centaurs." Mione replied.

Centaurs. Centaurs! Oh my God. I'm positively shaking now. I've never seen them, even though there is a centaur at Hogwarts teaching Divination. But I don't have his class. Pity.

Suddenly the centaurs burst out from a bunch of trees and took Umbridge. But before that, they took her wand and tied her whole body. The whole time, Umbridge was screaming like hell.

"Get me down you filthy creatures! You have no clue who I am! I am the headmistress of Hogwarts!" When she was carried away, a centaur turned back and said thank you, while bowing down.

We rushed back to the school and to the office where we met the others halfway.

"How did you escape?" Harry asked, frantic.

"It was all Ron, believe me! He fed them puking pastilles!" Ginny said, pushing Ron forward.

"Ron?" Hermione asked, very surprised.

"Good for you, Ronnie!" I said, quickly hugging him and letting go.

"Always the look of surprise, Huh." Ron said.

"Okay, guys. We need a plan to go to the Ministry of Magic. Specifically the Department of Mysteries." Harry said.

"What about brooms?" Micheal asked.
"Too risky, too many brooms would be needed." I but in.

"I have an idea." Luna Said, softly.


"Oh my God!" I wrapped my arms around Seamus' chest. "When Luna said she had an idea, I thought she had a proper one!"

We were currently flying on an invisible thing. It was called a thestral. According to Luna and Harry, those who have seen death can see the horses. I couldn't see the horses and neither could Seamus. Why we decided to stick together, I have no clue. Though Harry seemed a little jealous. Odd.

Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now