Catching upto Speed

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"What's going on between you and Ari?" Ron asked as we headed down for breakfast the next day, Molly waking us up

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"What's going on between you and Ari?" Ron asked as we headed down for breakfast the next day, Molly waking us up.

Today was a peaceful day, with absolutely no nightmares the previous night. I was finding it quite hard to believe that Voldemort didn't torture me yesterday, he must have been having a good day.

Speaking of Arianna, I didn't know where I stood with her. She was so.. I couldn't find the right words to describe her. She could be snarky but at the same time so familiar, I'd honestly lost track of time yesterday when we had been talking on the ledge, I honestly felt I'd reunited with a lost puzzle piece. I didn't know her well (try not at all) but I wanted to know her more, wasn't that crazy?

It was official. Sirius was going to murder me.


Ah right, Ron.

"I don't know, mate." I replied. "I'd just met her yesterday. I really have no idea."

"And yet, you guys were snuggling on the ledge." He smirked, a twinkle in his eye. "I didn't know who to tell, Mione or Ginny."

It was honestly shitty luck that Ron had found us on the ledge. Ari was asleep and I was close to nodding off. With his help, we'd been able to get off of the ledge and I carried her all the way to her room (thank merlin she wasn't sharing a room with the girls) and covered her with her comforter.

"Well, whatever happens." Ron looks around as we step off the last step. "I've got your back."

We headed into the kitchen where we found Arthur reading the newspaper and Sirius and Remus talking with Arianna, who looked quite beautiful despite it being 9 in the morning. She had that twinkle in her eye as she was laughing with Sirius and Ron nudged my waist to get me off of the trance.

She's making me crazy but I like it. It's far better than getting into a Voldy induced trance anyways.

"Good morning guys!" Molly came bustling out of the kitchen with more plates and set it in front of Ron and me. "Sleep good?" Arthur continued, setting aside his newspaper.

"Morning, Mrs. Weasely." I replied, hearing the faint chant of 'morning mum' on the side. "I slept a lot better, Mr. Weasely."

"That's good, Harry." Sirius joined in. "Today we were thinking of tackling this one's education." He pointed at Ari, making her giggle. Gosh, she was so gorgeous. "We have to get her to speed to your caliber. But not too much, we don't want to get her into Ravenclaw."

"What's Ravenclaw?" She questioned, a glint in her eye.

"First we'll have to go through the basics." Remus said, narrowly looking at Sirius as he winked at Ari. "And your daughter will get in wherever the Sorting Hat deems her to be best suited to."

"Sorting Hat?"

"Right, what are you boys doing today?" Molly asked as she sat down on the table, with her own plate of food. "The girls are helping out with Ari and the twins just apparated to Lee's house."

Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now