Grimmauld Place

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This is not the weirdest thing I've been through

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This is not the weirdest thing I've been through. Huh, it feels quite weird to say that.

After the whole screaming match with Sirius (I refuse to call him father, I need some time) and in which I promptly fainted and the twins were very kind to tell me that Harry had carried me all the way to my room (which admittedly had me blushing, a lot), I made my way downstairs after freshening up. The kitchen was bustling with activity, with Molly and Ginny cooking (it was all Molly, Ginny was sulking in the corner.) and the twins discussing amongst themselves on the armchairs. The trio was nowhere to be found and neither were the adults. I made my way to the kitchen to help Molly, relieving Ginny (who thanked me with a relieved voice)

"Oh it's so good to finally have someone to help me in the kitchen!" Molly remarked, looking at me. "Did you do this with your mum as well?"

"Yeah, quite a bit!" I remarked. "We used to have cookout sundays at home. All of us used to make a barbecue sort of meal, maybe we could do that here too."

"Oh that sounds like a fun idea!" She smiled. "I hope you'll settle in nicely here. I do have an idea of how different muggle life is to ours, with Arthur being such a muggle fanatic but if you do need any help, you can always come to me." She said, looking at me.

"Thank you, Molly." I smiled back. "I'd definitely come if I have any problems. I do think the potatoes are done, though."

"Oh yes!"


"So, Arianna." Sirius started. "How was living as a muggle?"

I looked up from my mashed potatoes and looked at him. He had a twinkle in his eye and it felt quite surreal looking into the same pair of grey eyes. For years I'd really thought my parents were dead or deadbeat parents who had done good by leaving me at the orphanage. But here was a completely different narrative. My actual dad was a prison escapee who had been falsely implicated and now he was running from the law. Huh, that was surreal.


"Oh shit, sorry." I blushed, have to stop zoning out. "It was normal, you know. I mean, I didn't really know of another way of life." I shrugged.

Except I did. I just didn't think there were more of me.

"You did levitate stuff in your room, right?" Hermione popped in. "Accidentally?"

"Yeah." I murmured, something about her rubbed me the wrong way. She was too inquisitive, too enquiring. Would it kill her to maybe stop deducing every small puzzle. "I was actually having a dream and when I woke up, everything was in the air." I laughed, the table joining in. "Needless to say, I was quite scared."

"Accidental magic happens to the best of us." Remus joined in. "Harry here blew up his aunt when he was thirteen."

"What?" I turned to Harry, surprise on my face. "Your aunt?"

"Yeah." Harry blushed, while Ron snickered. "She made me very angry, I couldn't control it."

"How did you know Avis meant birds, though?" Hermione jumped in, looking at me. "Not every muggle knows that."

"Mione, stop it!" Ginny whispered, the chatter coming to a halt.

"Maybe it's because I took Latin in school." I twirled my spoon across the plate, looking up at her. "Anyone who knows basic Latin knows that, Hermione." I smirked. "If there's anything bothering you, please do share."

"No, I-" She stammered, looking at Ginny who looked away. "I'm sorry, I was thinking something else."

"Ari, we wanted to show you something after dinner." George jumped in, Fred nodding. (Or was it the opposite, I couldn't tell yet.)

"Boys, I hope you aren't going to show her your prank collection." Molly warned them, a glint in her eyes. "I thought I confiscated it all!"

"Oh don't worry Mum." One began. "We aren't." The other ended, looking at her and smiling. The whole table laughed, nodding at them.

"Pranks, I'd love to see it!"


"Hey, what are you doing out here?" Harry asked as he sat down on the ledge which jutted out of the window, next to me.

"The real question should be what are you doing here?" I smiled, moving a little to create more space for him to sit. "I was just admiring the stars. Couldn't sleep?"

"Nope." He said, looking up at the sky. "Constellations, huh?"

"Sirius said his family had the tradition to name their children after constellations." I sighed. "But he wanted to break it, break out of his family. He named me Arianna because of that." I snorted. "Sort of as a last fuck you to the family, you know?"

Harry laughed, a full belly laughter. My gosh, it was beautiful. "Sounds like Sirius, isn't it?"

"From what I've seen, definitely." I shook my head. "Although would've been nice to continue the tradition, you know? I've sort of been obsessed with the stars." I leaned back into the window, putting my head onto his shoulder. God, was he tall.

He stilled for a minute, his body taut. Then he relaxed, calming down and putting a hand on my waist. "Is this okay?"

"Perfectly fine." I snuggled into his body, feeling his muscles. "What do you like about Hogwarts the most?"

"My common room." He said softly. "It's the perfect maroon, gold and red scheme. It's so warm and feels exactly like home to me. There's these armchairs right next to the fireplace which we always manage to snag-"

"Manage to snag? Or do they give it to you?" I snickered. "O, chosen one."

He nudged me with his palm. "Fancy a dive down from the second floor? I have no problem in pushing you. But anyways, it's amazing."

"Hmm, I'll see and judge for myself." I yawned. "What's the deal with Hermione?"

"I have no idea, haven't asked." He murmured. "I'll let you know."

"I feel good here, with you." I muttered. "I don't feel this is new, you know? It's crazy I know. But I'm really glad I met you."

"Believe me, it's the same with me." He muttered. "I'm really glad I met you too and I'm glad you're coming with us to Hogwarts."

(Edited 21/04/2021 - it took a while for this chapter but it's finally here! I just wanted to highlight that our two main characters are getting close and we're all mature beings here so they aren't going to smash their lips in the freaking fourth chapter but character development is key! So I hope you enjoy this chapter, tell us don't be shy leave it in the comments I'd love to hear your opinion)

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