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Arianna's POV

*12 years later*

As we stood at King's Cross, platform nine and three quarters, I felt nostalgic to.be back here. Ron and Slyvia's daughter, Rose was going to start her first year with our son, James. You're probably wondering who did I marry. It's a no brainer really.

I married George.

I was joking! It was Harry. After a year of dating, I got pregnant and the very next month, he proposed. Boy, I was the happiest pregnant woman around.

Of course, that was nothing compared to the happiness I felt when James was born. He was such a look alike of James and dad, that we had to name him James Sirius. Ron and Slyvia were the godparents, of course.

Speaking of Ron and Slyvia, they had two children, Rose and Hugo, with a third one on the way. It was a boy, and Ron had taken it as his duty to name him Emil, whereas Slyvia wanted his name to be Matt.

Ginny had got together with Colin, of course. They were married happily and had taken it as their duty to have as big of a family as Molly and Arthur did. They had five children already, out of whom Raine and Teresa were starting Hogwarts this year.

I bet you're wondering where's Hermione. Well Hermione went to find her parents, in Australia. Once she found them, she found out that they had divorced and Hermione's father had remarried. It was better to leave them as they were than remind them that they had a daughter.

She wanted a new change, so when the offer came for a new Muggle Law Enforcement officer in Bulgaria, she took it. Last time she sent a letter, she explained it all. How she was a bisexual, how she found someone call Tony who understood her needs and likes and that she was as happy as she could be, really. I was really happy for her too.

"Aunt Ari!" I could hear Rose and Hugo calling me in unison. I turned around and they hugged me, well as tightly as they could. "Hey!" I said, smiling at them. Rose had Slyvia's wavy hair, but red and Hugo had Ron's hair, but brown.

"Ready for Hogwarts?" I asked, kissing them both.

"Aunt Ari, it isn't fair!" Hugo said, stomping.

"Don't worry, Hugo! Anyways, wouldn't you rather start with Jamie and Remus?" I said.

"Yeah," He pouted.

"All the best, Rosie!" I said. "You'll love Hogwarts!"

"Yea, Aunt Ari," She sounded down.

"Why so glum?" I asked, raising her face.

"Well, what if I don't get into Gryffindor?"

"We wouldn't judge you at all! My cousin is in Slytherin, did you know that?" I asked.

"Really? What's his name?" She asked, hopeful.

"Draco Malfoy. He has a son, Scorpious Malfoy." I said. "He might look scary, but is a real softy."


"I promise."

Just then, Slyvia came, with Remus and Jamie stuck to her. "I believe these twins are yours," She huffed. "Stubborn, just like their mother."

"Yeah, like Harry could even be stubborn." I said, sarcastic.

"You know what I mean. They look so similar, they are just like Fred and George!"

"Must be why we named them after them and they are the godparents as well." I said.

"Good choice, but sooner or later, it would come to bite you."

"I'm honestly not looking forward to that moment." I laughed.

"Where are Emily and Lily?" She asked.

"At the Burrow. Molly and Arthur love those two. They both look like Harry's mom so much, I sometimes feel he cries looking at those two." I said.

"Yea." She said.

"How is little Emil or Matt?" I asked, looking at her belly.

"I'm just waiting for him to come out. Speaking of babies, have you told Harry yet?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"It'll be a good surprise today." I said, laughing and holding my belly. Yea, I was two months pregnant already and I hoped to Merlin that it was a girl. Girls were so much quieter and well, so pretty! Not that boys weren't. I mean boys were too, but having a taste of taking care of James and the twins, it's a lot more work.

"Hey baby," Someone said in my ear and hugged me from the back. I turned around and sighed in relief seeing it was Harry.

"Merlin, don't scare me!" I huffed, hitting him on the arm. He just laughed.

"Hey sissy!" Ron said and hugged me, then going back to Slyvia and hugging her.

"Ronnie! How are you?" I asked, leaning towards Harry.

"Fine, I saw Draco." Ron said.

"Where? Did he come here, I have to meet him, say hi to Scorpious and Anne." I said.

Draco married Anne just after he was cleared of all charges. Supposedly, Anne was his long time muggle girlfriend, who he had hidden, for fear of Voldemort or his father killing her. She was beautiful though and soon after they got married, they became parents to Scorpious and three years later to Annette.

"They are right there," Harry said, but that's when the whistle blew and we just went to put the kids on the train, not wanting them to be left like in Harry's second year.

"Be good, alright?" I said to James while kissing his head.

"Mum!" He protested, rubbing the same spot.

"Listen to your mom, and don't get in trouble, well that much." Harry grinned.

"Harry!" I said.

"Just kidding, babe. Write letters or your mum would send a howler." He said.

"That's true." I nodded, hugging him again.

We stood there with Jamie and Remus, waving a bye to James. He actively popped his head out of a window and with Rose, kept on waving. As the train started moving, I saw Scorpious and waved to him. He grinned at me and waved back as well.

After the train had crossed the last bend, the people started to leave the station. "Do you think James and Rose would form another Golden Trio with someone?" Slyvia asked, holding Hugo.

"I hope not." Harry said.

"The amount of heart attack these boys give me is enough. Merlin knows what would happen at Hogwarts." I said, holding Jamie's hand.

We all laughed and went back to our cars. As we put Jamie and Remus in the car, I stopped him.


"Yes, dear?" He said, looking at me.

"We might need another broomstick." I said, biting my lip.

"What? Someone broke their's?" Harry asked, looking at me.

"No." I said, please get it Harry.

"Then wha- Oh." Harry said, looking at me.

"Babe, I'm pregnant."


So that's the end of Another Weasely, and yes I'm so so happy.

Arianna is one hell of a character.

Special thanks to my teachers, because if they hadn't given me homework, I would have never procrastinated and written this book, when I am supposed to be studying.

Also to my mom, because if she hadn't been there, the ideas for Slyvia wouldn't have been there as well.

Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now