Blaise, It's over

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Since my Biology Mid-terms went good, I thought why not give you all the next chapter!

P.S I had to type the chapter all over again do it might not be as good as the first time. Wattpad sucks sometimes.

What have you guys been upto?


Arianna's POV

After the Christmas party, things are going well. We all are mingling with each other and are worrying together about the exams and what not.

Now, I was walking towards the Hospital Wing, to meet Slyvia. Poor thing was so sick she had not attended classes today. Rlyvia was still going great. I still didn't get how did Ron out of all the people, get the courage to go and ask Slyvia out. I mean, I wish I could get that kind of courage to ask Harry out!

As I neared the Hospital Wing, I saw Theodore Nott coming out. He gave me a nod and went on. It was kind of weird, I mean even if I am friends with the Slytherins, Theodore kind of strikes me as a person who has a rod stuck up his ass, though I'm not judging. Okay, maybe I am.

I walked in the Wing and saw Slyvia as the only one there. Ooh, so Theodore was visiting Slyvia! Major love triangle going on here now.

Slyvia, as usual was doing homework. I crept in and standing beside her, said boo.

She literally jumped up on her bed. "Oh my God!" She exclaimed, putting one hand on her chest. "Don't do that again!" She said, while hitting me after the sentence.

"Okay, relax, relax!" I said, while laughing. I pulled up a chair next to her and sat down, dumping the bag on the floor.

"So, why was Theodore Nott visiting you?" I asked, while leaning back.

"Why would Theodore visit me?" She asked, continuing to do her homework.

"One, because there is no one in the Wing except you and two, you just said Theodore." I said, smirking.

"What's wrong with me saying Theodore?" She said, while blushing.

"Come on Slyvia! Do you need me to spell it out for you?" I asked.

"Right, no not really. Leave the topic please." She said, putting her homework aside. "Why are you here right now? What about your classes?"

"I have a free hour," I said. "But Slyvia, don't break Ron's heart too bad."

"For the first and last time, Ron's my boyfriend and Theodore is my close friend." Slyvia said, exasperated.

"Uh-huh," I said.

"Okay, how was the Christmas party?" She said, deterring the topic.

"Fine, could have been better with you there, though." I remarked. "Why are you here, anyway?"

"Stomach bug, I think," She said. "Been throwing up like crazy."

"Aw, poor you." I sympathised. "It would be a regular occurance now that your dating Ron!"

We looked at each other and fell into a fit of giggles. Hearing our laughter, Madam Pompfrey came and kicked me out of the Hospital Wing, claiming that Slyvia needed to sleep.

I was wondering aimlessly when I saw Astoria sitting on the floor on the abandoned third floor and crying.

I didn't know Astoria that well, but we had spoken, because of Daphne, mostly. But I think, she could call us friends, wouldn't she?

Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now