Newer Beginnings

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Mrs. Weasely had called us down for dinner, suggesting that the meeting had finished at Number 12 Grimmauld Place.  As we all sat in silence with our forks and spoons making all the noise, Shaklebolt came in excitement. Before anyone could ask, he shouted.

"I've found her in Wolverhampton City!"

Mrs. Weasely suddenly had a warm glow on her face, possible the happiest I've ever seen her. With the biggest smile on her face, she exclaimed, "Thank god!"

Sirius dropped his fork on the plate and it resounded with a clank. That was the signal all the adults were waiting for and the table exploded in noise. Mr. Weasely was shouting at Dumbledore to pick her up while Mrs. Weasely and Remus were consoling Sirius, who was ...crying?

We were all staring at the adults in shock and I guess Ron couldn't take it anymore, because the next thing we all hear is a loud oi. Fred and George start snickering at Ron's red face, murmuring about angry candies?

Mrs. Weasely looked up from Sirius and narrowed her eyes at Ron. She opened her mouth to scold him about improper manners at the table but Mr. Weasely quickly cut in.

"Molly, it's okay. We just became a bit excited and besides, they need to know now. We've hidden it for far too long, haven't we?"

"Arthur, I was going to suggest the same, after Ron rudely cut in." Ron's ears turned red and he quickly ducked down, much to the laughter of the twins and Ginny.

"Okay, okay. Molly, Arthur - do you want to say it?" Remus cut in, grinning.

Mr. Weasely quickly cut in and glared at him. "Hey this is my sister we're talking about, I think I have the most right."

Suddenly there was a throat cleared.

"Yes, well Sirius too." He flushed. "Well kids I had a sister called Maria."

"Hold up." Fred started. "We have another aunt?" George continued. "Cool!" They finished.

"Boys." Molly glared, the twins grinned. "Let your father speak."

"As I was saying." Mr. Weasely continued. "She was younger than me and was friends with the Marauders. James thought of her as his little sister as well as Remus, but Sirius liked her." He stopped, giving Sirius a glare. He grinned.

"After your parents Harry, Sirius proposed and Maria was more than happy to say yes. To say she was overjoyed was an understatement. Lily and James were their Maid of Honor and Best Man and it was the happiest day ever. We still have pictures, don't we Molly?" He smiled, remembering the good times. Beside Remus, Sirius had a watery smile, reminiscent of the old times.

"Well I really thought she was happy on her wedding but nothing beat the day you two were born." He pointed at me.

"You two?" I asked, perplexed. Do I have a twin I don't know about? I mean, no wait. I won't have a twin if it's Maria we're talking about. I shook my head while Sirius laughed.

"Whatever you're thinking Harry, that's not it." He continued. "You and my daughter were born around the same time, you were born in July and Arianna was born in September. You both were best friends and we could never see you without her and vice versa." He laughed, tears slowly streaming down his cheeks.

"Your daughter?" I asked. "You have a daughter?" I finished, surprised.

"Is she at Hogwarts?" Hermione spoke up, curious. "She must be at one of the magical schools, right?"

"It would be easier to find her if she was." Kingsley murmured. "That night when Voldemort came, Arianna was with Harry in his crib. James and Lily were at home electing to manage the babies with Maria while Sirius had gone to call the Weasely's."

"I wish I had never gone." Sirius murmured. "This could've gone another way if I had stayed."

"When Sirius came back, the house was in ruins. We found everyone but her. It was like she just disappeared into thin air." Kingsley said, head down. "We thought she'd get a Hogwarts letter but to our surprise, when you came to Hogwarts, she wasn't here. Either she was dead or her name had been removed from the book."

"But we've found her now, haven't we?" Molly smiled. "And she's safe."

There was a pin drop silence as I thought about Arianna. We'd supposedly been best friends but I don't remember her, even as a baby. The only thing I remembered was the awful green light but even then, I didn't hear her cries. Was she abducted before or after Voldemort killed everyone?

Ron broke the suffocating silence. "So we have a new cousin then? One that was supposedly lost?" The twins snickered while Hermione shook her head, muttering about how in the world did he get to be prefect.

Mrs. Weasely said with a sigh. "Yes, Ronald. We're going to go and meet her tomorrow, so if you want to go then quickly finish dinner and go to bed early."

We quickly ate our dinner and went to our rooms, Hermione and Ginny were pretty excited about another girl joining us and maybe even coming with us to Hogwarts. "Hopefully she still has her magic, poor thing." Ginny muttered.

We reached Ron's room and as we sat on the bed, he muttered. "Do you think she's going to have red hair, I mean. Has to be right? She's a Weasely!"

I laughed, the tension rolling out of me. "10 sickles that it's black hair."

"Mate, you're on!"

(03/12/2020) - Edited.

Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now